ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-sᴇᴠᴇɴ

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Coles Point of View

I walk out of my room in nothing but boxers. I ran my fingers threw my hair as I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. It was the dead of night, it was as dark as a black cat. Not a single star to be seen and beyond quite. I heard chatter coming from the front of my house. Siena was a girl who seemed to occupy my time. I was with her for one reason and it was sex. Yet I still felt so empty.

The chatter continued and I heard that familiar voice that I had missed so much.  I set the drink down on the counter and walked quickly to the front of the house.

There in the doorway of the house she stood with her arms crossed and her long blonde hair tucked behind her ear. My eyes worked the way up her small frame when I saw bruises on her arms. Her piercing blue eyes glared at me but nothing was spoken. I took small steps toward her. Light purple marks covered her neck and arms; yet she still had a smile.

What kind of trouble did this girl get her self into?

"Cole who is this girl?" Siena whined out crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes and pushed passed her. I wrapped my arms around Skylar spinning her around.

Her arms were wrapped around my torso and she buried her head into my chest and I leaned my chin on the top of her head. She pulled away and just looked into my eyes. A smile forming in the corner of her mouth as I still held her in my arms. I brought my hands up to my face as my thumb traced circles on her soft cheeks.

"I need to see jack." She said softly.  I let her go and grabbed her land leaving Siena in the dust. Skylar's laugh echoed through the house as I pulled her to jacks room. I slowly opened the door making sure I didn't wake the little guy up. She pushed passed me and took a step into the room that was cars themed. She looked back at me with a smile on her face but still she had tears falling down her face. She took small steps toward him like almost if she was afraid.

She sat at the edge of his bed and just looked at her little brother. Sometimes I wonder what goes through that girls head. She's as fierce as fire but also sweet as candy.

Something switched in her and she stood up and gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked out pushing past me.  I closed the door behind her and followed out. She stood in front of me giving me her signature eye roll.

"Cole that's way to much stuff. He's not staying here anymore. I have flights booked to Sicily and there he will be safe from the mess if it all " she said as she leaned against the hallway wall.

"What's in Sicily love? I took care of a kid that's not even mine for almost four fucking months and not even a simply thanks...ouch." I spat out in anger. She had just come back and she just wants to pick up and leave? I wouldn't let her she knows her place and that I tell her what to do but at the same time I hate ordering her around.

She rested her hands against her hips and looked up at me. "Thank you Cole. Its not because I want to leave its just I need to get away I'm tired of this city and well everything." She said with a sigh. I analyzed the bruises on her neck. When she noticed me staring she flipped her hair forewords to where it rested on her chest and hid the purple handprints on her neck.

Siena stepped in the hallway. The robe now in her hands and slowly handed it to Skylar. "I know when I'm not wanted. Oh and Cole shove it up your ass you asshole I cant believe I thought you loved me." She sobbed out then walked away with her crocodile tears.

I just laughed as she walked away. My right arm wrapped around her mid section as I pulled her closer to me. The other hand pushed the single strand of her that fell on her face.

"I never realized how lonely and empty I would be without you. I missed your soft lips, your gorgeous laugh, and well just every little thing about you. I never told you but..." I paused taking a deep breath. This could back fire on me but I had to tell her. I don't know if I'll loose her again.

She had a smirk on her face. Her hands reached up to my chest and rest them there. Her fingers traced shapes sending Goosebumps all over my body.

"I love you so much Skylar." I whispered softly.

Love is a strange word and I never thought I would tell someone that because up until her I didn't know what it was. It wasn't love at first sight but she grew on me and never left. 

She went on her tippy toes and her soft pink lips crashed against mine. Our tongue's swirled along with each other like that's what they were meant to do. I pulled her up as she wrapped her legs around me. I held her up not once breaking our kiss knocking things over in the process.  She laughed as I tossed her on the bed jumping on top of her.

I missed everything about her and that night we weren't consumed by lust but passion. Passion so deep that it kept me on my toes wanting more and more.  I wish that night could of lasted forever but after all of it she feel asleep in my arms.

I kissed her sweaty head as she snuggled up under the covers with my arms loosely around her.

The sun rose high and bright, lighting up the room allowing me to see the disaster of my room. She sleepy soundly as her bareback faced me. I pulled the covers over her and rolled out of bed. As much as I wanted too stay here with her I had to go and deal with a problem that couldn't be fixed with just a little manipulating.

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