Honey the baby is coming

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Now it's been 11 months now Susan and Jessica were deciding the name of there baby girl "what about lily?" Said Susan "no" said Jessica "what about Emma?" Susan shakes her head side to side finally she said "no." They were looking and looking for the perfect name "what about Ava?" said Susan "no so many girls have that name" said Jessica "oh what about Zoey?" Said Jessica again "no" said Susan "God what the hell are we going to name our beautiful baby daughter?" Said Susan stressed out "well there's one that I really Love" said Jessica "what is it?" Said Susan "well" Jessica starts "we have to agree with it" Jessica stops again "Alison" said Jessica "I really like that name to" said Susan "we can go with Alison" said Jessica "if you want" "yeah lets go with Alison it won't be spelled A-L-L-Y-S-O-N" said Susan "no" said Jessica "it will be spelled A-L-I-S-O-N" said Jessica once again. It's been 2 months later the pregnancy is doing good Alison will be coming on July 12 but right now it's July 10 just one more day after this until Alison comes and Ryan won't be the only child anymore sometimes Ryan is sad that he won't be the only child but mostly he's happy that is sister is coming right away. "Ry" said Susan "what?" Said Ryan "are you excited that your baby sister is coming?" Said Susan with a warm smile "yeah" said Ryan "come on Ryan" said Jessica "let's get you to bed" "goodnight Ryan I love you" said Susan "I love you to mommy and mom and Alison" said Ryan as he went up to Susan's stomach and kissed it which makes Susan give a big smile "awe that was sweet baby boy" said Jessica as she gave a big kiss on Ryan's soft white hair. It was the next day tomorrow was the day Alison arrives the two mothers were working very hard to build the nursery after they got it all build it was perfect the room was pink with butterflies and the wall had the baby's name on it with light pink "oh my god it's perfect baby" said Jessica and gave a kiss on Susan's cheek "I love you so much Jessica" said Susan with a big smile and pulls Jessica's body closer to hers "I love you too" said Jessica as she  touches Susan's stomach and gives it a kiss after she did that she saw Susan's eyes filling up with tears "Susan baby are you ok?" Said Jessica with a worried look "I'm fine jess it's just I'm so happy that our daughter is coming and I'm so blessed that we are going to have her and I'm also blessed that we have Ryan to" said Susan as she wipes her tears that were running down her cheek "awww baby" said Jessica that was helping wiping Susan's tears "I'm also blessed to have you to Jess I love you to death" said Susan as she kissed Jessica on her soft lips "I love you to I'm so blessed to have you" said Jessica "if I hadn't been with you Susan I would been with Sam which was a abusive relationship" said Jessica that was starting to cry "awwww babe I love you I would never hurt you like that asshole did I love you more than anything" said Susan that wiped Jessica's tears away and kisses Jessica's cheek then lips. The day passed by fast it was night time Jessica and Susan were getting ready for bed and they quickly got into their bed and went to sleep the hours passed by it was 1:34 in the morning Susan finally wakes up and feels pain because her water broke "Jess!!" Said Susan "what what" said Jessica as she panicked "Honey the baby is coming" said Susan "oh my god come on Susan we got to get you to the hospital" said Jessica as she helped Susan up "mommy what's going on?" Said Ryan looking confused "your sister is coming" said Jessica "but don't worry Aunt Sarah will babysit you." Jessica quickly got her phone and called Sarah quickly "come on please pick up pick up" said the worry Jessica "hello" said Sarah "Sarah I need you to baby sit Ryan because the baby is coming" said Jessica as she bites her nails "oh my god of course I will" said Sarah "ok then after the baby comes you can come visit us" said Jessica "ok" said Sarah "thank you so much" said Jessica feeling blessed. After a few minutes Sarah finally arrived at there door "thank you again Sarah" said Jessica "my pleasure" said Sarah "now go you two there's a baby on the way" said Sarah again. After they left the hospital Sarah and Ryan were watching TV "hey Ryan" said Sarah "yes auntie Sarah" said Ryan "you look worried" said Sarah "yeah I am" said Ryan "are you worried about your sister?" Said Sarah "yeah a little what happens if I get replaced and they won't love me anymore and what happens if something goes wrong" said Ryan with a sad face "oh Ryan" said Sarah "I promise that is not going to happen" said Sarah as she hugs Ryan as he smiles again. It's been 5 hours and finally they got the call from Jessica the phone rings and Sarah picked up the phone "hello" said Sarah "hello she's finally here" said Jessica "ok we will be right down" said Sarah with joy and excitement "Ryan" said Sarah when she's trying to wake up Ryan "what" said Ryan "your sister is here come on we got to get to the hospital" said Sarah. As they got in to the hospital Jessica saw them "come on guys there is someone who wants to see you" said Jessica with a smile on her face they went to the room they saw Susan with Ryan's new sister "guys" Susan starts "this is Alison her full name is Alison Marie Sarandon" said Susan while looking at the Alison "awe Susan and Jessica she's so beautiful come on Ryan see" said Sarah. Ryan walked slowly he was nervous but excited he walked up and saw Alison he was smiling "mommy can I hold her?" Said Ryan with a big smile "sure but be easy" said Susan "that's right" said Jessica Susan slowly gave Alison to Ryan he holds Alison gently he smiles saying "she's so cute" and gently gave Alison a kiss on her forehead "awe" said Susan and Jessica.

This was the touching moment of there lives.

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