Ryan says his first bad word

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One day Susan, Jessica, Ryan and Alison were on a car ride Ryan who is 6, and Alison who is 1 month old were sitting in the back of the car all strapped in "hey babe" said Susan "yeah" said Jessica "I think our car needs a car wash" said Susan "yeah I thinks so to but don't tell Ryan that though" said Jessica "why not" said Susan confused "because remember when Ryan was 2 and we went to a car wash and he was so and I mean so terrified he was crying and having tantrum" said Jessica "oh yeah" said Susan "he's asleep right now let's try not to wake him or Alison" said Susan again. They went to the car wash when they went in suddenly Ryan wakes up "are we in the car wash?" Said Ryan as he was panicking "yes just calm down ok hold my hand as mommy drives" said Jessica Ryan started to cry and panic "Ryan honey it's alright" said Susan "no it's not" said Ryan as he cried harder and harder then he said a swear word "FUCK FUCK" said Ryan as he was screaming "Ryan Patrick Sarandon what did you just say?" Said Jessica as she was shocked "FUCK HOLY SHIT" said Ryan as he was in tears "you need to stop cussing Ryan" said Susan. The car wash was over they finally were home "hey babe I'm just going to put Alison in her crib ok" said Susan "ok babe I'm going to talk to Ryan" said Jessica "RYAN!!" Jessica yelled Ryan ran down the stairs as fast as he could "Ryan you're in trouble young man" said Jessica "why" said Ryan "Ryan you were saying bad words that you shouldn't be saying" said Jessica "I'm sorry mama I love you so much I didn't mean it" said Ryan "I know you didn't mean it" said Jessica "but you shouldn't be saying them so don't say them again ok I love you too." After Jessica said that she gave Ryan a kiss on his beautiful white hair "I'm sorry I will never do that again" said Ryan Jessica smiles at Ryan and picks Ryan up and holds him "I'm happy to hear that" said Jessica "now lets go see mommy and Alison you want to?" Jessica asked "yeah"said Ryan with a smile on his face.

Ryan will never do that again maybe when he's older.

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