Speak Now (Jughead x Reader)

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You were going to tell him.

After months of being away from him at college, you'd gotten over all your anxieties, over-thinking, contingencies plans, and doubts. The way you missed him, the fondness you felt for your memories together, that made you sure. You'd spent the little pocket money you'd earned working in the dining hall to fly home, to Riverdale. It was a red-eye flight, but you were too excited to sleep.

You were going to do it.

You were going to confess your love to your best friend, Jughead Jones.

You'd called him earlier that week and asked him to pick you up at the airport a few cities over (his job at Andrews construction granted him use of the "company car", Fred's truck). Your heart pounded as you walked through the gate, the chill passing through the thin walls like water through paper.

Weaving through the crowd of reuniting families and lost travelers, you saw him.

A tall, handsome boy, wearing a crown-shaped beanie. He held a piece of paper with your last name on it and a bouquet of wildflowers. Upon seeing you, he grinned.

Jughead Jones.

You ran to him and his arms enveloped you, your time apart too much for a mere "hello". His chin rested on the top of your head and you marveled at his presence. You'd videochatted and talked on the phone as regularly as possible while you were out of state, but it wasn't quite the same.

"Hi," he finally said after a while, smile in his voice.

"Hi," you said back, shyly.

You separated and began the trek to the truck, telling him of your travels the whole while. People-watching was one of yours and Jughead's favorite past-times, and you loved flying because of the diversity of life found in airports.

During the long drive back to town, you quieted. While you were sure you loved Jughead, you were still nervous to confess. You two were the best friends. Bonnie and Clyde, Simon and Garfunkel, Betty and Veronica. Changing the paradigm of that... would be huge.

You saw the familiar "Welcome to Riverdale" sign come into view through the darkness.

"I don't know about you," Jughead said, breaking the silence. "But I'd kill for a burger right now."

You grinned. You were also known for being the nighthawks of Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, staying long into the night while the two of you would write or work on schoolwork. Your old stomping grounds would be the perfect place to confess.

He pulled into the neon-lit parking lot, getting your door for you.

"Such a gentleman," you said with a nervous laugh, following him inside.

The two of you sat down, and you decided you had to tell him before you changed your mind.

"Jughead, I have something to tell you," you said, trying to sound casual.

"I have something to tell you too," Jughead said. "Do you mind if I go first?"

"Oh... okay," you said, breathing a sigh of relief that you wouldn't have to go first. Maybe he was going to confess to you, too. "What is it?"

A smile grew on Jughead's face, one like you'd never seen before.

"(Y/N)... I'm engaged."

Speak Now (Jughead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now