Speak Now, Part 8 (Jughead x Reader)

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"Who's ready for the bachelor party of a lifetime!?" Archie howled, raising a bottle

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"Who's ready for the bachelor party of a lifetime!?" Archie howled, raising a bottle. A chorus of masculine voices cheered in response as Jughead's friends saluted the future newlywed.

"You really know how to throw a party," you remarked, ambling up behind Archie with a bottle of your own.

Archie grinned, clinking his bottle with yours. "Not just a party. A party perfect for Jughead."

A modest group of Jughead's friends milled around Archie's kitchen and living room. A playlist Archie had made of Jughead's favorite songs played on speakers throughout the house. A projector played Rebel Without a Cause onto the entirety of one of Archie's living room walls. Jughead navigated the familiar crowd with ease and comfort, catching up with friends old and new.

You chuckled. "Guess you learned from that awful birthday party in our sophomore year." When Betty was just getting to know Jughead, she had insisted on throwing him a small get together that quickly escalated into a rager, against your own advice. You recalled the memory with great bitterness. Even when screwing literally everything up, it seemed that Betty was the perfect girl.

"Let me know if you need anything. Gotta play mom tonight and make sure no one dies of alcohol poisoning," Archie said with a laugh.

You waved him off with a smile. "Go have fun!"

You leaned against the wall, drinking a beer and regarding the mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Reggie dominated the party, clapping men on the backs and retelling hilarious and embarrassing stories (it seemed that he and Jughead had made amends since his days as a high school bully). Kevin and his current boyfriend were laughing over drinks in the corner. Men with suntanned faces and strong bodies wandered about, whom you suspected to be Jugheads coworkers from his job at Andrews Construction. Anyone in the vicinity of Jughead made sure to clap him on the back, congratulating him for his big milestone.

You felt sick to your stomach, though you were only buzzed on alcohol. The presence of a bachelor party meant that the wedding was only days away. You were still too chicken to confess your feelings to Jughead. It was too late.

"What is a lovely lady like you doing at a bachelor party?"

A voice shook you from your reverie. You turned to find an attractive young man standing next to you. As you did not recognize him, you figured he must be of the Andrews Construction category of partygoers.

"Best friend of the groom, but no invite to the bachelorette party," you said, cocking your head in Jughead's direction. Your best friend was currently going shot-for-shot with Reggie, capturing the attention and cheers of an audience.

"I'm guessing the bride isn't a huge fan?" He asked with a grin.

"Guilty as charged," you admitted, an embarrassed smile on your face.

The man laughed, smiling back. "Feisty one, that Betty Cooper. Blake Tucker," he extended a hand. You shook it.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," you replied, tipping your head politely.

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