Theory: Heart of the Lands

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We can all agree that Heart of the Lands was epic! Even the cover with Rollan and Essix was epic!

Well, i'm just going to jump into it!


Looking at the cover, we already know that stone that Essix appears to be holding is the 'Heart of the Lands!

Supposedly, there are four amulets from four legendary beasts in each... continent I guess?

In Amaya, we have the "Heart of the Lands"

In Eura, we have "The Wildcat's Claw" which so happens to be the next title of the sixth book in the series.

What about for Zhong and Nilo?

Let's all recall Yumaris' weird... prophesying words, "The claw, the circle, and the other thingie."

Clearly we already know that the claw is the Wildcat's Claw. Even Worthy said so!

So what's the circle and the other thingie?

We already have the rock, the "Heart of the Lands", in Amaya, and as I mentioned, the claw may be referring to "The Wildcat's Claw" in Eura, so that leaves us with Zhong and Nilo.

Well, if you haven't been paying attention, our new Zhongese friend, Anka, had mentioned the Heart of the Lands and something else that she called, "The Dragon's Eye".

I have a few reasons to why this Dragon's Eye could be from Zhong:
- Anka knew it and she's from there
- And this pic below

I have a few reasons to why this Dragon's Eye could be from Zhong:- Anka knew it and she's from there- And this pic below

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"...a wooden door carved with Zhongese water dragons..."


Okay, that wasn't a lot of reasons but still. DRAGONS!

An eye isn't really a 'circle' but more of an oval-like shape. But hey, it's close enough! The circle might be referring to "The Dragon's Eye"!

But that leaves us with Nilo...What could Nilo, the other thingie, be?

Let's all go back to the first series for a moment.

-The Fake Legendary Heroes-

Remember when Zerif recruited four kids to act as "The Legends" by summoning the legendary animals?

From Eura we have:
Devin Trunswick
Summoner of the Black Wildcat!

Black Wildcat?! Yo!

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