Theory: Spirit Animals Bond

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We know what happens when you summon a spirit animal, right? You gain powers from them depending on their species. BUT...what do the spirit animals gain from the humans who summoned them?

That's a question i've been asking myself (a few months ago) and as I began to deeply meditate on this (*cough* not), I soon realized something...

Remember Xue? The old Zhongese woman who was supposedly a "retired Greencloak" that used to teach Olvan and Lenori back in Greenhaven? She's old. Like, older than Greenhaven's commander and visionary.

Now, what does she summon? A mouse. She summoned a mouse. And this mouse is still alive when we last saw Xue.

Now, i've done some research and the average lifespan of a mouse is usually around 1-2 years, even several MONTHS?! This mouse that Xue summoned should've died when she was like 12 or 13 years old. AND SHE'S NOT EVEN A TEENAGER!


Their spirit animals give humans their powers. In return, the humans give them either a longer lifespan or their life source is just tied together or somethin.

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Now, I had another theory. How Spirit Animals are summoned?

Well obviously you either drink the Nectar and see if you're meant to summon one, summon one without it and risk getting Bonding Sickness, or summon them through the Bile which isn't natural.

It all started when I was roleplaying on a Spirit Animals rp. I created an OC that was the reincarnation of one of my other OCs, but reincarnated as an animal. Quick explanation, reincarnation means to be born once again in a different body.

Before you start telling me that reincarnation ain't possible or bla bla bla, explain the Four Fallen to me. Conor, Rollan, Meilin, and Abeke all summoned four great beasts that DIED. These four Great Beasts DIED, and were brought back to LIFE as spirit animals. They were REINCARNATED into a NEW BODY (a smaller version of themselves cause they're spirit animals). If you haven't read "Fall of the Beasts" yet, the Great Beasts have also done THE SAME THING.

Okay, maybe you're right. Great Beasts are different from normal animals cause they're "greater" than them. But Spirit Animals have to come from somewhere, right? They're summoned in a flash of bright light. They don't crawl out from the forests or jungles or the sea! I'm pretty sure they weren't normal animals that got teleported out of their homes cause they were summoned. Now that's what the BILE does, which is unnatural. Which is unfair.

If you've read, Tales of the Great Beasts, it was shown in Essix's point of view that darkness surrounded her. Peace and darkness and rest and all that. Then there was a bright flash of light, she was suddenly in a dark cell and the first thing she sees was Rollan which was the person who summoned her. Essix was reincarnated and this was how she was summoned...

Spirit Animals.

What does "spirit" mean? Google says it's, "the none physical part of a person", the "emotions and character", the "soul", your "inner self".

The Great Beasts used to have TOWERING forms. But after they died, they were reincarnated into new, smaller forms. But they still had the same personality. The same "spirit". (I mean their personalities slightly changed but that's called character development XD).

What if...the spirit animals were former humans who were reincarnated? I mean, it might probably explain why the animals have longer lifespans.

I don't know which humans though. Would they be humans who used to have spirit animals and since they had that bond once, it somehow allowed them to reincarnate as spirit animals themselves? Would they be humans who don't have spirit animals?

That's my theory!

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And here's a Headcanon I made cuz why not! Background art by Byrce_Mackenzie.

And here's a Headcanon I made cuz why not! Background art by Byrce_Mackenzie

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