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I walked around the coffee shop on my night shift, cleaning the tables while been in my own little world.
I got pulled out of my world when the barista behind the counter called my name..

"Y/N, could you take over here for a little bit, I need some fresh air?" The barista asked.

I nodded and walked behind the counter, taking the baristas spot and starts cleaning the counter from coffee stains, slowly getting sucked back into my little world.

I feel my hand hit something, making me look up.
Only to see that I had spilled coffee onto a girl around my age with blonde hair.

"I'm so so so sorry..!" I quickly said and looked at the girl.

She looked so familiar?

"It's okay, do t worry about it." The girl said with a big smile on her face.

"I have a spare shirt in the back if you would like to change from that one." I said, pointing at her shirt with the huge coffee stain on it.

"You might as well get changed from that shirt, Jenna." The girl next to her said, I'm guessing it was her friend.

"Well then I'll take you up on that offer." The girl - Jenna - smiled at me.

"Okay then follow me!" I said, motioning to the back.


I pulled the spare shirt out of my bag in the back and handed it to Jenna.

"I'm still so sorry about your shirt.." I said looking at the floor.

"It's fine, I needed an excuse to go shopping anyway.. I'm Jenna by the way!" She laughed, holding out her hand for me to take.

I take her hand and shake it.


"And this is my friend Sara" Jenna said, pointing at the girl next to her waving at me.

I waved back.

"Nice to meet you both." I smiled, pointing Jenna to a separate room so she could change.

"I just feel so bad about ruining her shirt.." I said to Sara.

"Everyone makes mistakes, don't worry, I myself is pretty darn clumsy." Sara laughs.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you guys new to town, I have never seen you in this shop before." I asked Sara.

"Jenna's husband isn't home, so she got bored and asked me to go with her." Sara answers.

"Oh.." I just say as Jenna emerged from the separate room.

"When can I return this?" Jenna asked, pointing at my shirt.

"Well, I'm here almost everyday, except for Mondays, at about 9:00 to 17:00, I think?" I say.

"Okay, well then I'll drop by Tuesday since tomorrow is Monday." Jenna says.

"Sure, if I'm not at the counter, just ask a barista and they will tell you where I am." I smile at Jenna.

"See you Y/N!" Jenna and Sara said, waving at me.

I waved back as I watched them leave the shop. As the door closed behind them, I got back to work, wondering why Jenna looked so familiar..

One life, one moment [JOSH DUN X READER]Where stories live. Discover now