Stable Boy// Tom AU Pt. 2

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Do you have a chicken for my table?

"Mom," I called out as I tried to catch up to her, but she couldn't hear me under her constant mumble of plans.

A few days ago I mentioned to her that we stood bring back the "Start of Summer" Ball again, and she drove straight into planning mode.

"Mom," I tried once more ducking around a large vase of tiger lilies. There were workers everywhere carrying vases of flowers and decorations.

My mother was in her own little world with her thoughts being filled with ideas of how the ballroom needs to look like and with her eyes glued to the checklist on the clipboard.

"Mom!" Ducking yet again under a table being carried by two cooks.

"Oh, Y/N, I didn't hear you!" Mom patted my back as I caught up next to her as we walked into the ballroom. "What do you think of the place so far?"

The room was filled with tiger lilies and other various summer decorations that hung from the ceiling, along with fairy lights that were draped over head, "One of your best works, Mom. It's beautiful."

She smiled and gave me a hug from the side, "What did you need, dear?"

"Oh," I started to fiddle with my fingers, "I was was wondering if I could bring someone to the ball?"

She gave me a confused glance, "I already sent Annie and Harrison an invitation, along with Jacob."

"No, no. Not about them," I started to wave my hands and shake my head, but grateful that she remembered my best friends. "I was wondering if I could bring someone... a date, maybe."

"Oh, a date?" She had a smirk playing on her face, "Who? May I ask?"

I returned with a smirk of my own, "Depends on your answer."

She smiled with a shake of her head, "Yes, Y/N, you may bring a date."

"Great!" I clapped my hands together, "You'll see him tomorrow then!" I yelled as I ran out of the door leading to the gardens where Tom was waiting for me to start our daily ride.

Tom smiled when he saw me, "So what did she say?" Handing me the reins to River, his fingers lingered a second too long.

"She said yes, but she really wants to know who you are, so let's get out of here before she gets any ideas," I laughed, hopping up to throwing a leg over River's side and taking off leaving Tom behind.

Once Tom and I reached the trail that we've been going up and down since I first starting riding with my dad we slowed our horses and eased into a conversation.

"My mom also invited Annie, Harrison, and Jacob." River walked in sync with Tom's horse, who was stark black.

Tom nodded, "Maybe I can meet up with Harrison in a few hours to borrow a tux from him." Harrison was a born into a wealthy family that has been in Genovia for generations and despite the class differences, Tom and Harrison have been friends for years.

"You don't have a tux?" I asked him.

He chuckled, "Does it look like I own a tux? The closest thing I have to fancy is this button up that my dad passed down to me, and I don't think it will even fit Harry or Sam anymore."

I loved Tom's brothers. They visit the stables often and all have horses that stay there. Harry and Sam had to ironically get two horses so close to the same markings (both of them being dark brown pintos) that the only way to tell them apart is to ask the twins. Paddy's horse is a beautiful bay painted mare that really only likes Paddy. And Tom's horse was this black Arabian that just shines in the sunlight, which was the complete opposite of my River. And believe me, Tom has made enough yin yang jokes for a lifetime.

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