Through the Valley// Tom

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As I laid there, flat on my back, on Tom's bed, lost in thought. I had the same slow song on replay in my head.

I softly sang it out loud to the empty room that belonged to the eldest Holland brother.

I guess Tessa heard me signing with that dog hearing of hers and hopped up on the bed with me.

I chuckled as she laid her head on my stomach and got comfy. I scratched her head and stopped my singing to talk to her.

"You know Tom doesn't like it when you're up here." She only opened her lazy eyes for a second before closing them once again. "You're lucky I grew up with my animals sleeping on my bed."

I ended the conversation with the grey lion and continued to speak my thoughts out loud, closing my own eyes.

"I walk though the valley
Of the shadow of death
And I fear no evil
Because I'm blind to it all
And my mind, my gun they comfort me
Because I know I'll kill my enemies when they come."

As I finished the verse, I sighed. Opening my eyes, I stared at the ceiling.

I was trying to past the time since Tom and Nikki were out doing a photoshoot, Harrison companying  them, of course. Harry was out filming another short film and Sam was helping him. And Paddy. God knows where Paddy is, but let's just hope that he's with his dad. That little bugger maybe cute, but is also mischievous.

I may or may not have brought out that trait in him.

I stroked Tessa's head once more to capture her attention, "Hey Tess? Tom got a guitar around here somewhere?"

The Blue Staffy picked her head right up and started wagging her tail.

"I guess that's a yes," I laughed and rose from the middle of the bed.

Time to search for that six stringed instrument.

Leaning the acoustic guitar on my thigh, and crossing my legs once I returned back to the middle of Tom's bed.

I fingered the strings, testing out the sounds they made. Surprisingly, they were all in tune. Either, Tom has played recently or he hasn't played at all and never touched it.

Whatever, it's mine now. Well, for the moment.

I started plucking the strings as Tessa hopped back on the bed and curled up in front of me. Her back resting gently against my knees.

Smiling, I started to sing the song again:

"I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death
And I fear no evil
Because I'm blind to it all
And my mind, my gun they comfort me
Because I know I'll kill my enemies when they come.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
All the days of my life
And I will dwell on this earth forevermore
Said I walk beside the still waters
And they restore my soul
But I can't walk on the path of the right
Because I'm wrong.

But I can't walk on the path of the right...
Because I'm...

When I plucked the last string, I smiled.

"Your voice was always amazing when you sang slow songs."

Tom's voice floated though the silence in the air like he was hypnotized. He was leaning on his side against the doorway.

"How long have you been there?" I asked moving the guitar of my lap and onto his duvet.

He smirked, "Long enough." He then strode over to me and picked up the guitar, "Took you long enough to find this as well." He put it back in it respectful place, in the corner of his closet.

"I haven't been this bored in a while, you usually keep me occupied." I mumbled, falling back in to his pillows with a thump.

The comfort of Tom's bed engulfed me once more, and made me close my eyes tiredly, until the bed shifted on either side of my body.

The feeling of Tom's hot breath and hair on my face made me lift my eyelids enough to come into contact Tom's dark brown ones.

"May I help you?" I asked, sleep lacing my voice.

He answer was an action; he leaned down and connected our lips for the first time since this morning before he left with Harrison and his mom.

Raising my hands to rest them on his cheeks and to play with the few strands of hair that fell victim to gravity. He slowly sank onto his forearms to close any space between our bodies.

He was in true bliss and I was there to keep him the moment, biting on to his bottom lip. His eyes flew open as he laced his fingers with mine to pin them next to my head.

His mouth left mine, but it didn't leave my burning skin. Trailing kisses from my jaw to my ear, nipping and biting here and there.

Once his mouth reached my ear, he whispered, "I'm surprised that it took you this long to learn the song."

Using his moment of talking against him, I flipped us. I was now straddling his waist with my hands on his chest. With my new power, I leaned back down and kissed him once more.

"Please, I memorized it the day the reveal trailer was released."

Because of The Last of Us Part II

I am so excited for this. Ever since Naughty Dog said that the theme of the last game was love and that Part II's theme is hate, and Ellie's quote:

"I gonna find and I'm gonna kill every last one of them."

This little gamer's heart can't take it. And fun fact, I am completely tone deaf unless I'm singing a slow song. So I'm able to sing Ellie's cover of Through the Valley, and I am so happy.


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