Fidgety// Tom

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"Thomas!" I dropped the camera from in front of my face, "If you don't stop moving I will kill you!"

Tom just chuckled and shook his hips with a wide grin of his face, "Come on, Y/N, have some fun."

Pinching the bridge of my nose with my eyes closed in annoyance, I exhaled, "Tom, we've been here for two hours now, and I have no recognizable pictures of you since you won't stop moving."

He clearly read my frustrations now that I've shown them to him. With a guilty look in his face, he sat back down on the prop and played a nice, simple smile on his lips.

Sighing a thank you and kneeling to try and capture a good angle and the room was finally filled with the sound of camera shutters.

As time passed once again, Tom started to feel goofy again, but this time keeping it to a minimum and that I was very much grateful for. Rising to my feet and removing the camera from face, this time showing a small smile, proud of what I finally accomplished, "Okay, every one take a break."

Every one dropped what they were doing in a heartbeat to go eat lunch or to go talk to a buddy. The sound of enjoyment erupted throughout the studio. I walked over to Tom, placing a hand on his arm, "Hey, thanks." I gave him a quick smile before walking over to Harrison, who was busy stuffing his face. He gave me a floppy wave with a apple stuck in his teeth.

"Hey!" He greeted with the apple still in his mouth.

I jokingly shook my head at him, grabbing the apple from his mouth, and handing it back to him, "Very charming."

Taking the apple from my grip to take his first bite, he answered back, "I know, but do you know that?"

Breaking the seal on a new water bottle, I raised my eyebrows at him, "And you know that I'm not interested."

Harrison scoffed, breaking off another piece of the apple, "Worth a shot."

Dropping the water bottle from my mouth, I smirked before saying, "You know that eating an apple like that makes you look like an asshole." He hummed a confused response. "Whenever in a movie, when a guy is eating an apple it makes him look cocky and deeming him an asshole."

Harrison glanced down at his apple, looking hurt and whined, "But I like apples."

I laughed at his childish behavior, "Then just eat your apple in silence."

His overall response was just to shrug taking another bite of his apple, moving to lean against the table, switching topics, "Whatever, moving on. You know-"

"Can we stop with this 'you know' stuff?" I cut him off.

"You know," he had to push my buttons, "how you have a huge crush on our best friend?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, slowing nodding my head for him to continue while raising the bottle back to my mouth.

"He likes you back." Harrison's smirk said it all, and so did my beautiful reaction of chocking on water.

"What?" I managed to let out. "When did he tell you this?"

Harrison shrugged once again, inspecting his apple for a good place to take another bite, "Not that long ago, a week maybe."

I widen my eyes at him, "And you waited this long to tell me!" He looked up from his apple and smirked.

"Well, I am the one cockily eating an apple," Harrison answered back. I groaned and started to walk away. He then threw out his arms, "Where you going?"

Turning around and walking backwards, I said, "Away from you and to set up the next shoot." Turning 180 on my heel, I started for the back door where my car was just parked outside, and that was filled with my equipment.

Turning the small corner and starting down the narrow walkway towards the exit, I passed a small linen closet on the way, which quickly had a hand pop out of it and grab the back of my t-shirt that pulled me inside.

Before I could let out a single sound, the door was closed, blocking any light from coming in, and locked.

"You know you could have just texted me to meet you here,"
I said once my heartbeat slowed.

"And risk Harrison seeing it? No way."

"We gotta tell him soon." I said softly before a thought came to my mind. "And you!" My voice rose as I hit what I believe was his shoulder, "you told Harrison that you like me?"

"Baby steps, babe."

No other words were said as he backed me against the door with his hands on my hips and his lips on mine.

My hands spent no time going into his hair, playing with it from
the nape of his neck that had the tiniest of curls to the waves at his roots.

With his face moving away from mine and down to my neck, I could feel the warmth from his burning skin on my neck as he kissed down to my collarbone.

"Not now," I whispered, pulling his face back up to continue kissing him.

"Why not?" He whined but complied anyway.

"I've been taking pictures of you that will make girls go crazy and remember the fact that you're still single in the eyes of the media, but I'm not going to let you remember that," I bit his lip, kissing him once more before kissing down his jawline and up to his ear.

"Believe me, I won't," Tom shakily breathed out, "I was the one watching you take those photos." Before he could continue he bit his lip since I had moved from his ear down to his neck. "You look so hot when you're concentrated-"

He maneuvered his neck away from my mouth and placed his lips back on mine and finished sentence with his breath fanning over my mouth, "but you always look hot."

As our time in the closet grew longer, the only person who noticed that the model and the photographer was missing was the best friend of both of them.

Harrison put on his thinking cap and set out to find us, remembering where I said I was going: out to my car. Unfortunately for Harrison, the closet was on the way to the exit.

He heard us before he even knew it was us, and not wanting to know or to even hear anymore he fled the scene and decided to call us instead of passing the closet to the outside world.


Welp, it was going good then it flopped, sorry 🙃


Tom Holland/ Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now