Race Part 1

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Two days since the library incident.

I don't know why, but the feeling of not being trusted, it's getting to my core...

I was currently sitting on my bed "doing homework" but in actually reality I was reading (f/b) (favourite book 🖤), shhhhhhh.

"You ok there kiddo?" I heard someone say, DISTRACTING ME FROM MY FAVOURITE PART!

"What!?" I seethed, in anger as someone disrupted me!

"You just seem....bummed out..."

'God damn it Ember!'

"I'm fine!" Trying to get back into the novel.

"Are you sure?"

That's it! I picked up my homework book and threw it at her!

"Hey! What was that for?"
She yelled at me, dodging my make shift missile.

"You are distracting me! I'm reading can't you see that!? It's the only thing that distracts me from what the trio said!" My eyes widened and I covered my mouth when I realised what I just said.

Ember had a serious look on her face, uh oh spaghettios...

"What did the trio say" she said sitting up.

"They um...they said that they thought I......opened the chamber and that I'm ......not to be trusted" I murmured in hopes that she didn't hear me.

I looked up at her, to see that she was deep in thought.

When she finally spoke I let go of a breath I was unconsciously holding.

"And this bothers you?" Her voice was unnaturally calm but also reassuring as I know that she cares for me.

"Well yeah, I hate being judged by my name! You know that...." I threw my self back landing with my head buried between the pillows.

I subconsciously sniffed, already feeling my eyes water.

'What is wrong with me, I don't normally get this upset!'

Suddenly the my bed dipped down as Ember sat next to me.

"Hey I know what will cheer you up!" She smiled as I looked up at her.

"What?" I answered rubbing my eyes.

"A Race!" She grinned, "my form against yours, like when you were little!"

Back when I was self conscious about my other form, Ember used to play games with me, and race with me. It normally cheered me up.

"Sure!" I stumbled out of bed and got changed into comfy clothes.

"But the Quidditch game starts soon!" I suddenly realised.

Draco wanted me to be there, to cheer him on!

"Don't worry, we'll make the game in time for you to cheer your boyfriend on!" She chuckled.

I'm pretty sure that my face right now, would put tomatoes to shame!

"HES NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled at her, covering my face.

"...yet" she whispered

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now