VI (6)

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I shut my binder closed before leaning back in my desk chair. Finally. I hate homework so much. Like, what's the point for homework? What's the point of school? You're just gonna learn stuff that you'll probably only use once in your whole life. When will I ever need to use logarithms and factoring in my life.

I walk over to my window and quickly slide it up. I look across to see that Normani's window is closed shut.

"Normani!" I yell. I wait a few seconds before yelling again but no one comes to the window. What do I do now? An idea quickly shoots into my head and I quickly walk downstairs to the kitchen. I look through the cabinets until I find a jar. I run outside and run to the side of the house and fill the jar with a bunch of rocks. I quickly run back upstairs to my room and head to the window.

I quickly pull out a small rock and chuck it at the window. No one comes to the window. I try again throwing three more rocks but no one comes the window still. I look through the jar until I find a medium sized rock. I smile. I throw it as hard as I can at the window and an angry Normani immediately emerges. She quickly slides the window up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Are you trying to break my goddamn window?" Normani yells.

"You were ignoring me" I state.

"So you decide to fill up a jar with rocks and throw them at my window" Normani gestures to the jar of rocks I placed on the window seal.

"It worked didn't it?" Normani scoffs and begins to shut her window. "Wait!" Normani stops closing her window. "I'm sorry" Normani looks at me for a second before slowly sliding her window back up and crosses her arms. "I shouldn't have accused slash asked if you were gay and I'm sorry" Normani uncrosses her arms.

"You won't ask again?" I draw a cross on my heart.

"Cross my heart" Normani smiles sheepishly.

"Then I forgive you" Normani says smiling. A smile forms on my lips. I sit there as Normani stares at me for what seems like forever.

"Why are you staring at me?" I blush.

"Well it's not my fault you're gorgeous and have mesmerizing green eyes" Normani points out. I laugh.

"And you say you're not gay" A glare forms on Normani's face.

"Fuck. Too soon. Sorry"

"It's fine" I nod and look around my room but turn back to Normani.

"You wanna come over and watch a movie?" Normani rolls her eyes.

"It's a school night"

"That's never stopped us before" I wiggle my eyebrows making Normani laugh.

"Fine, but I'm not spending the night"


"What do you mean you've never watched Lion King?!" I chose to watch Lion King and I asked Normani what her favorite part was as I was putting it in and she had just told me she had never seen it which should be against the law. "Dinah would be yelling at you if she knew this! Did you have a good childhood?" I question. Normani laughs.

"Of course I did" she retorts. I turn to face Normani who is under my covers.

"Obviously not. What's next, you've never watch Freaky Friday or Parent Trap?" I walk over to the bed laughing. I look at Normani and her eyes go wide. "You're kidding me! From now on, every time you come over we are going to catch up on your childhood and watch old movies" I turn the lights off and climb into my bed and join Normani. I click play with the remote and place it back on my nightstand.

A Four Letter Word // LaurmaniWhere stories live. Discover now