XXVI (26)

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Time Lapse: Four Weeks

Prom is coming up and I don't know how I'm going to ask Normani. I remember her telling me when we first met how she wanted someone this year to give her the best promposal ever, and since I was gifted the pleasure of being her girlfriend, I obviously have to do it.

I just have to make it perfect but I'm not sure exactly what to do. She it be private and intimate or should it be in front of the whole school so everyone knows I'm taking the most gorgeous girl to prom? These are the things I have to figure out!

Not paying attention to where I was walking through the halls, I bump into someone almost making me lose my balance.

"Woah! Can you watch where yo- Oh hey, Green Eyes" Alessia says smiling.

"Hey" I bite my lip and continue walking. I have to think of a way to asking Mani. Alessia runs up next to me and begins walking by my side.

"You alright there? You kind of look stressed" I nod in agreement.

"Prom is coming up and I have to think of a way to ask Normani. It has to be perfect" I state.

"Perfect?" I nod immediately.

"Yes, perfect. She's perfect, so it has to be perfect. Simple." Alessia laughs but nods.

"I can help you if you want. I'm great with promposal ideas and I have nothing better to do" She says smiling. I stop walking and turn to her.

"Really? T-That would be amazing. Tomorrow after school?" I ask.

"Tomorrow after school" She winks at me before walking away. I watch her walk down the hall and I smile.

"What's tomorrow after school?" I jump and turn to see Normani standing there.

"Uh, Alessia and I are working on a school project" Normani crosses her arms and tilts her head.

"Really? Because we don't have a project for Chemisty and that's the only class she has with you, so what exactly would this project be for?" Normani questions. Why do black women always have to notice and observe everything?

"W-Well you see-"

"Waddup bitches!" We both turn to see Dinah jogging towards us. Saved by Dinah Vagina, thank the lord.

"We're talking about this later" Normani whispers on in my ear. I choose to ignore it.

"What's up D!" I say smiling.

"Nothing much, have you guys seen Ally?" Normani nods.

"Yeah she's is Tori's room" Dinah nodded and was about to walk away.

"We'll come with you!" I shout quickly catching up with her. There was no way I was going to be left alone with Normani so she could bombard me with questions.

Dinah laughed. "Alright. Come on" We walk up to the door and here some commotion going on inside. Dinah opens the door and we all walk in to see Ally and Tori having some sort of argument. I close the door behind me making sure to lock it.

Tori is yelling at Ally with her arms flaring around while Ally looks like a lost puppy who is about to cry. "Yo, what's going on?" Dinah asks.

Tori turns to her and her face becomes contorted and red. She fast walks over to Dinah - heels clicking and all - slamming her against the wall making Dinah drop her backpack. Tori's hands grab around Dinah's throat and grip her shirt.

"Tori!" Ally shouts.

"So you think you can fuck my girl and get away with it!" Tori asks. Dinah clenches her teeth.

A Four Letter Word // LaurmaniWhere stories live. Discover now