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Trigger Warning: Mentions And Discussions Of Instability

I keep my eyes shut stretching my body but freeze when my arm hits somebody. I quickly panic and open my eyes to see Lucy asleep by my side.

Shit... did I not go home? Shit! Normani! We were supposed to talk last night! Fuck! I get up doing my best to keep Lucy asleep and sneak out of Taylor's house. I run to my car, get in, and head straight home.

How can I be such an idiot? How could I ditch Normani for Lucy? I shake my head as I drive focusing on getting home quickly. I soon arrive and head inside the house. It's pretty quiet which is surprising for the Morgado household.

I jog up to my room and open the door. I freeze in my spot. What. The. Fuck. My room is torn apart. My lamp is broken, my sheet are scattered everywhere, clothes are all over the place. It's a fucking mess! I run my fingers through my hair and start picking shit up.

"Mom!" I turn my bed stand up properly from on the ground. "MOM!" I scream. Chris walks into the room and freezes.

"Whoa! What happened to your room?" I stand up and look at him.

"Where's Mom?" I ask frustratedly.

"She told you yesterday morning her and Andrea were going on a Mom'Cation to Hawaii" I roll my eyes and start putting stuff back in there spots.

"Who the fuck trashed my fucking room? Like what the fuck?!" I yell. Chris laughs.

"Is fuck your word of the day?" I glare at him and he puts his hands out in defense. "Right. Well, um, it wasn't me because I got here this morning because I stayed at one of the boy's house and Tay is out Paige's house so guess who that leaves?" I stand up abruptly and scrunch my face up.

"Ike Turner" I push Chris out of the way and run down the stairs. I see him on the couch lounging casual. I grab the remote and turn the TV off and stand right in front of it.

"How's your day going Lauren?" He asks smiling.

"Shut the fuck up and wipe that smug look off your fucking face. Why the fuck were you in my room?" Mike tilts his head confused.

"Me? I wasn't in your room dear. Normani, however, was here last night... Maybe it was her" He smiles. He leans past me grabs the remote and turns the TV on. "She isn't the most stable girl" He winks at me.

"Stay here with this asshole Chris. I got this" I ball my fist before walking out of the house and next door to Normani's. I see a familiar car in the drive way... Why the hell is Dinah here at this time? I walk into the house to the sound of sobbing and Dinah's voice.

I follow the noise and it leads me to the kitchen where Normani is crying and uncontrollably shaking into Dinah who is rubbing her back trying to calm her down at the chairs by the kitchen island.

I take a step and something crunches underneath my foot making Dinah look at me. I look down to see glass shattered on the floor. What the...

"You need to leave Lauren" Dinah demands. I shake my head. Dinah lets go of Normani and stands up. I try to walk over to Normani.

"No. What happened? Is she okay?" Dinah steps in front of me and places a hand on my chest.

"Now isn't the time Lauren. Leave" Dinah barks. I clench my fist together and nudge Dinah back.

"You're not her girlfriend Dinah Jane. Last time I checked, her girlfriend's name was Lauren Michelle fucking Morgado. I can be here if I please" Dinah pushes my backwards.

A Four Letter Word // LaurmaniWhere stories live. Discover now