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Amber Dixon:

The creature's teeth was inches from my face. It growled and snapped its teeth trying to bit into my already scared skin. This creature use to be human and maybe even had a family once but now it's some mindless creature wanting food. I kicked it away before stabbing my knife in its head. It was a man, his neck had a huge chunk out of it from a bit mark. I almost felt sorry for the creature that once was a human being but turned into this creature laying on the ground before me. I shook my head making my thoughts go away from the walker I killed. I had bigger issues than to morn someone I didn't even know.

'You a Dixon, Amber! You fend for your own blood, no one else!' I scolded myself before grabbing the bag I dropped and started walking. Gazing at the sky I notice it would be dark soon and I needed to find somewhere for the night. I passed trees and stabbed a few more walkers before I came to the tree line that viewed a small neighborhood. The closet house was a two story and a little closer to the woods than the others so I settled there for the night. I walked into the house quietly with my bow raised ready to fire an arrow. The house had a single walker standing in the living room, it was a woman. Her hair was brown and matted, her clothes were covered in blood, and her stomach had guts hanging out. Any other woman or girl would have puked, but not me I'm a Dixon, born and breed to hunt even if I'm a girl. I simply aimed and released the arrow, which found its target right between the eyes when she had turned around. The woman walker fell limb to the floor and stayed unmoving. I closed the curtains and barricaded the front door with a cabinet before heading to one of the rooms upstairs. The room seemed to be a master bedroom with a walk in closet and a master bath.

'Someone had money.' I thought to myself before throwing my bag on the bed. I closed the curtains before sitting on the bed and opening my bag to see what food I had left. Candy bars, granola bars,canned beans, and 5 bottles of water. I settled for a chocolate chip granola bar before pulling out a bottle of water taking a few sips. I sighed as I finished my 'dinner' and put the water bottle back into my bag. Absentmindedly I traced the words of my tattoo on my right, just above my hip on my stomach.

In green letters it read, 'Maybe by Distance but never by heart.'

-Flash Back-

I paused before looking at my other half, anger boiling in my blood.

"You may be my other half, but sometimes I wish you weren't." And with that I slammed the door not looking back. My heart ached and told me she was right and I should turn back but my pride wouldn't let me.

-End of Flask Back-

I shook my head.

'Why was I so stupid! I turned my back on my other half over some abusive and worthless boyfriend!' I beat myself up with my thoughts. I laid down holding my knife close and clutching my wolf necklace my sister gave me for our birthday.

"I will find you sis, and you better Fuckin' be alive." I said aloud before going into a light slumber.

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