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"Get off my back Cayla! I'm not two anymore I can take care of myself." Amber screamed at her sister.

"Are you sure? Because that sure looked like you were handling that well! Would you like me to tell that boyfriend of yours to hurt me too? He's not good Amber! Let him go!" Cayla tried reasoning with her sister.

"No! It's my life not yours, so leave me alone. Let me live my life, MY WAY!" Amber yelled grabbing her stuff walking to the door. When she reached the door she paused to say her last words to Cayla.

"You may be my other half, but sometimes I wish you weren't." With that Amber slammed the door.

"Fine! Do whatever you Fuckin' want see if I care!" Cayla screamed out the door before slamming it again. Cayla stormed up to her room before collapsing on the bed. She cried herself to sleep that night. 'You maybe my other half, but sometimes I wish you weren't.' Amber's words echoed in her head over and over again.

Amber heard her sisters angry words as she left the house. She was driving to her friends house to stay the night but not without calling her boyfriend. Her boyfriend Jason was a nice guy but,like there father, had his angry and abusive moments. Cayla had walked in on Jason smacking Amber earlier, being the protective sister she naturally defended her. Jason stomped out of the house and yelled some words along the lines of 'Whore' and 'Bitch'. Cayla gave him a bloody nose and most likely a black eye or two. Naturally the victim would be happy and joyful, but just like all the Dixon siblings they get defensive of their pride. Which lead to the siblings argument.

This is the same night the dead started walking. And the Dixon Twins are split from each other angry and heart broken.

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