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Cayla Dixon:

The fire was surrounded by rocks and the group. Andrea and Amy caught a bunch of fish making us be able to have a feast of fish. Everyone was quiet and eating, even Jim who had an episode today making Shane tie him to a tree to regain himself. Jim seemed to be calmed down now and semi back to normal. I noticed Ed was the only one missing, not that I cared. Shane must of really beat the crap out of him, serves him right for touching Carol and maybe even Sofia.

"I gotta ask you man it's driving me crazy." Morales started saying looking at Dale's watch.

"What?" Dale said smiling.

"That watch. I see you everyday, same time winding that thing, like a village priest saying mass!" Morales said chuckling a little.

"I've wondered this myself." Jacqui pipped in.

"I'm missing the point here." Dale said a little puzzled.

"If I'm not mistaken, It seems the world has come to an end." I said looking at Dale.

"But there's you everyday winding that stupid watch." Morals said.

"Time is important to keep track of right? The days at least!? Don't you think Andrea?" Dale asked turning to Andrea. She just shrugged taking a drink.

"I like what father said to son, when he gave him a watch. Handed down from generation. 'I give you this which will not to fit your needs like it fit mine or my father's before me. But I give it to you, not that you remember time but you may forget it. And not spend all your breath trying to conquer it." Dale explained to us. It was quiet and he looked around.

"You so weird." Amy said and everyone laughed.

"William falconer. Maybe my bad paraphrasing." Dale said defending himself. We all went back to eating as Amy stood up.

"Where are you going?" Andrea asked being a protective sister.

"I have to pee. Shh try to be discrete around here." Amy said walking towards the RV. Everyone laughed and I cracked a smirk and finished my dinner setting down my plate.

It was peaceful for once here and truth be told I was enjoying it but peace never seems to last. Amy's scream split through the air as everyone turned to see walkers coming. All of us started to panic and I pulled out my guns firing at the walkers. Carol and Sofia stood behind me and I made it my job to protect them. Shane was protecting Lori and Carl while Morals protected his family.

"Get to the RV! Go!" Someone yelled and Carol and Sofia stuck close as we made our way over. We got close to the RV and more gun shots sounded from the other side of camp. Walkers fell to the ground instantly and we all looked to see Rick, Daryl, T-Dog, and Glen were back with the bag of guns.

"Baby! Carl! Baby!" I heard the new guy Rick scream.

"Dad!" Carl said running to his dad. I looked to see Daryl coming to and I nodded towards him trying to catch my breath. He took that as 'I'm ok.' and he came up beside me looking behind me. When I turned around Andrea was hysteric saying 'oh' and 'no'. Amy just died and everyone in the group bowed there heads in sorrow. Daryl laid a hand on my shoulder as a single tear fell down my cheek. Amy wasn't my sister but I could feel the pain Andrea felt.

"I remember my dream now, why I dug the holes." Jim said. We all looked around and headed to our tents but with heavy and mournful hearts. I laid down on my sleeping bag facing away from Daryl as he laid down as well.

"Didn't find him?" I finally said.

"Stupid ass cut off his own hand. Merle's such a simple minded ass sometimes." He said and I knew he was upset but didn't show it. He was closer to Merle than Amber and I but I still felt heart broken he wasn't here.

"Agreed." I finally said. We didn't say anything else and settled down to sleep. Darkness took over as sleep welcomed me.


My eyes fluttered open as I sat up. I was sitting in a large field and the talk grass blew around me. It was peaceful and I took a deep breath. I could feel the grass tickled my fingers and arms as it blew in the wind.

"You not going to say hi at least? Wow I feel loved." A all to familiar voice said laughing. My eyes snapped open only to see Amber, with her long blond hair identical to my blowing with the wind.

"Amber?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I'm here sis." She said her grey eyes sparkling in the moon light. I embraced her in a hug almost instantly.

"Where have you been? I was beginning to think you where dead!" I said not believing what was right in front of me. Her smile faltered and she pulled away from the hug to look at me in the eye.

"Cayla, you know this is just a dream right?" She said.

"Then you are dead then. But how..." I started but she shook her head.

"I'm here. I'm alive. You just have to find me. I love you sis. We will find each other soon enough." Amber smiled and started walking off.

"Amber! Amber don't leave! Please." I screamed after her but my eyes started to get heavy. Everything faded when I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer.

-End Of Dream-

My eyes snapped open and I looked around for my lost twin. She wasn't there but Daryl was looking at me with his blue eyes.

"What happened?" He said knowing me all to well.

"She was.... there Daryl..alive in front of me....but she slipped away." Tears streamed down my face now, the pain was to great. My twin wasn't here and I just can't accept that. Daryl may be cold around everyone else in the group but he really is a great brother. He whipped the tears away before looking into my grey eyes.

"We will find her along with Merle. Both of them will be alive but from now on you and I stick together. We are all we have right now. Amber is a Dixon, we will find her soon enough. Besides she's probably hiding out in the woods somewhere, you know she loves the woods." I laughed softly and he cracked a smirk knowing he did his big brother job.

"Now go back to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and I don't want you crabbier than normal." Daryl said smirking and I punched him in the arm laying back down. He laid down as well and I shifted closer to him so our backs where touching, he tensed a little before relaxing. He may not be happy about me having our backs touch but he knows that it makes me feel safe that I have somebody. I snuggled into my sleeping bag once more drifting off to sleep once more. Tomorrow will be a very long day.

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