Chapter 2- "You belong to me now....."

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Chapter 2

Adriana's eyes held anger, she constantly cursed herself for not doing something. She kept on thinking, why didn't she at least try and defend her family? She turned to face the killer, he stood casually but slightly unnerved. Adriana had an urge to thrust a punch into his smug face, but she felt completely useless.

Another thug, slightly younger entered the room a look of horror crossed his face at the horrendous sight.

"Antonio, Settled your unfinished business then?" the younger man asked inquisitively.

"Alonso, yes my dear brother I have taught a valuable lesson."

The two brothers chuckled as they pulled each other into a man hug. Adriana's face filled with fear as she recognised the names, the....bondaccui brothers!

She turned to look at the brothers, they were both dark and handsome. They were dressed rather elegantly but you could tell they were dangerous men.

The youngest brother Alonso, stared at Adriana. A pleasing smile spread across his face which was instantly replaced with curiosity. He then whispered something to Antonio and he shook his head disappointingly.

Antonio shouted orders to one of his companions named Michael.

"Bring anything valuable and useful." Antonio shouted.

"How about the people in the house" Michael replied in a concerned tone.

"What about them, they are not our problem, leave them!" Antonio remarked with, no remorse whatsoever.

Antonio's eyes turned to Adriana, he smiled as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him. He then whispered in her ear.

"You my darling can come with us."

Adriana panicked she couldn't leave her house and family, yet she didn't have a choice. She turned to face Anotonio, she was astonished at how calm and collected he was. She was furious at this, she couldn't handle it. How could he be normal after he just murdered 3 members of her family? She couldn't stop her emotions, with all her remaining anger and might she rammed her fist into his abdomen.

Causing him to slightly tumble, she was slightly relieved that she could release her pain and anger onto him. But she was going to regret the fact that she just hit a superior mafia.

Antonio straightened and a iniquitous smile played on his lips, his eyes flared with anger. Without warning he slapped Adrianna harshly, leaving a crimson stain on her delicate,pale lips.

Adriana wiped the blood trickliing down her jaw, with the palm of her hand. She looked at Antonio with hatred. How she wished for his just desserts?

Alonso was amazed at the blow his brother had delivered, however he felt slightly sorry for Adriana. There was something playing at the back of his mind, Adriana had seemed awfully familiar he just couldn't put his finger on it yet.

Michael had returned and loaded all the valuables and treasures that belonged to the Cosetello's. Adriana was hauled away from her beloved family and home. She was then forcibly shoved into the car.

she watched as the car drove away from what she had known as her life, her happiest memories, her family....

Her thoughts were disturbed when she heard his icy, cold, venomous tone. It was enough to send chills down her spine and the hair on the back of her neck stand upright. She turned to stare to what she had now classified as her 'worst nightmare!'

"You belong to me now."

He whispered for the second time, a satisfied and devilish smile slowly appeared onto his lips.

It was like a violent slap was given to Adriana as she was brought to the light and realisation of the fact that she now belonged to him.

"You belong to me now."

The words constantly echoed in her mind. Making her stomach churn with horror and disgust. She didn't want to belong to him, she didn't want to be within a mile near him.

"You belong to me now."

The words were distant in her mind but it was still there, like an irritating itch which was refusing to go away. It was constantly taunting her.

The car came to a halt at a dark and monumental mansion.

"You belong to me now."

It echoed for the final time, reminding her, that she now belonged to him. This was the beginning at what was supposedly her impending doom and most horrific nightmare....

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