Chapter 3- Death....Friend or Foe?

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Another Chapter woohoo, I hope this is one is slightly lengthy. Anyways please VOTE, COMMENT and possibly fan :D without further ado please continue :)

Chapter 3

Adriana wiped away the tears that had flooded her eyes, her mascara had smeared down her pale and haggard face. She refused to exit the car, she had transfixed herself to the seat, like a sulking child. Antonio smirked at this, but his patience was limited and when Adriana still refused to move. He yanked her out the car and pushed her inside the ornate, ebony doors.

The doors slam shut, making Adriana jump slightly. Adriana's eyes scanned the room she was overwhelmed at such opulence and luxury. The walls were painted a soft cream and magnificent, picturesque paintings in ornate, gold frames were hung strategically around the room.

A huge, Swarovski crystal chandelier glistened and enlightened the room.

A lady slightly older than Adriana entered the room, her face worn out and drained. She tried to hide her huge baby bump behind her scarlet robes, but it made no difference. Alonso whispered something into her ear and she nodded in obedience.

Alonso and Antonio began to walk away but then Antonio stopped and turned to face Adriana. They stared silently at each other. Taking in each other's features. Adriana noticed a hint of satisfaction hidden behind Antonio's dark, brown eyes. Antonio removed his eyes which were plastered on Adriana's petite body, before walking away he replied in a foreboding tone.

"I assure you there are no ways of escaping..."

Adriana watched as Antonio walked away alongside his brother. As soon as the brothers left the room, she fell to the cold, marble floor. Tears streaming down her face, her families faces flashed before her. She screamed with agonising pain, how she wished she could join them.

A warm and limp hand rested on her shoulders. Adriana stared into the expressionless, brown eyes of the heavily pregnant women.

"You must not cry, it will only anger them"

She said in a pensive tone. Adriana dried her eyes and pulled herself up

"Who are you?" Adriana asked slightly interested

"I am Adona, wife of..."

She hesitated slightly

"Wife of Alonso Bonaducci"

She spat out with such venom and hatred, Adriana gasped. Footsteps were heard in the other room, Adona's eyes widened as she stared at the clock.

"Quickly we must get to bed, the mafias shall be coming"

Adona grabbed Adriana and pulled her weak body up the spiralling, marble stairs. Adriana was still stunned at the fact that Alonso was married. She wondered for a moment if Antonio was also married, she couldn't stop the urge and asked

"Is Antonio also married?"

They reached the second floor, where the bedrooms where allocated. Adona continued on walking, until they reached the far end of the corridor. She opened the door to a grand bedroom with it's own en-suite bathroom.

"This is your new bedroom" Adona remarked

"Is Antonio married?" Adriana asked for the second time with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

Adona turned to face Adriana, her lips trembled. She opened her mouth slightly then shut it again like a gawping goldfish. Adona finally stated quietly

"I can't say"

Adriana sighed with frustration, she then realised why was she even asking? She then noticed the bedroom she was in. It was beautifully decorated, the rooms main theme colours were red and gold. Adriana smiled slightly it reminded her of home, her sister's bedroom was exactly like this.

Adriana then saw a huge painting framed in gold hanging in the far corner. She turned to Adona and asked

"That looks like a lovely picture, may I see it?"

Adona eyes widened as she quickly removed the picture and exited the room. Adriana sighed in irritation, she found Adona a strange and weird women who was hiding away a lot of secrets.

Moments later there was a booming knock on the door, making Adriana jump. She heard a slight chuckle coming from behind her. She turned to face Antonio, he gave a warm smile and remarked

"I see that you haven't tried to escape, good girl"

Adriana raised her eyebrow and muttered under her breath


Adriana bit her lips as she watched Antonio's soft, brown eyes ignite with fiery sparks of anger. She wanted to take back her comment and kick herself for her stupidity, but Antonio beat her to it. He yanked Adriana's head slamming her into the cold wall, she screamed in excruciating pain.

She watched as small, black dots configured in front of her eyes. Antonio pushed her body into the wall, wrapping his hand firmly around her frail neck. Like a Python constricting it's weak and helpless prey. He shouted bitterly

"Repeat what you said"

The grip tightened around Adriana's neck as she struggled to breath, her oxygen supply was slowly cutting off.

"You belong to me now, so show so damn respect"

He said firmly, He loosened the grip on Adriana's throat allowing her a minute to gasp for breath.Before he slammed her for the last time against the wall. White lights flashed in front of Adriana's eyes, her body sank to the floor. A pleasing smile spread across her blood stained lips. She was going to join her family....Finally.

Sooo what do you think??? I had a fun time writing this chapter and hope you found it enjoyable to read. Please VOTE,COMMENT AND FAN :)

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