Awkward situations😰

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Shimara's POV
"Shimara wake up !" Samira bhabhi shouted from downstairs.
I turned around in my bed to look at the clock beside my bed. 11:30

"Bhabhi there's still a lot of time left, let me sleep na !" I shouted hugging the pillow next to me and drifting off to sleep again. After that there was complet silence , just then I felt footprints coming towards me.

"Shimu wake up bacha, " my brother lightly tapped on my arm.
"Bhaiya i don't want to wake up," I groaned .
"Come on bacha. We have to go for practice practice at sanam's place.
Get ready in an hour," he replied before going out of my room leaving me in half sleepy state.

Unwillingly, I dragged my self off the bed and into the bathroom. After completing morning work. I dressed in a casual attire

I pulled up my brown and golden curly hair half in front. I put on a pair of black pumps on my feet which had high heels at the back. With just a little touch of some mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss I was done.
I headed downstairs for breakfast.
I saw bhabhi putting different cereals in bowls.
"Good morning bhabhi !"  Hugged her from back.

"Morning honey"

Just then loud crying could be heard from upstairs. I rushed to bhabhi's room and took my neice Ashu in my hands from the cot.

I took her downstairs caressing her hair. We finished our breakfast and bhabhi fed Ashu milk from bottle.

Then we headed to Sanam's place to jam. Oh God I don't wanna see that jerk.
Yes he is.

Keshav and venky were already present along with Remy.
We greeted them and had some good music talk with cappuccino.
Mr. Puri was in his room. Thank God 😰.
Meanwhile the two couples were busy talking me and keshu were playing with Ashu.

"Playing with babies makes you forget all the hate and problems in your life"
But sometimes these little brats are annoying and so was Ashu.
She hit the coffee mug and it fell on my dress. Urgh.

Keshav : wohoo...princess well done (teasingly)
Shimara : shut up keshu !
Keshav : go and wash yourself. (Laughing)
I went to washroom to wash my dress.
As I bang open the door I turned back hiding face with my both the palms as Mr. Puri was standing shirtless in front of me. Urgh. Shameless creature.
Can't he lock the door before changing.

Sanam : Shameless girl, what are you doing here ? Don't you have manners to knock the door before entering in anybody's room .

Shimara : Mr.puri just shut up. Can't you lock your door before changing.... Even a toddler have this much sense.

Sanam : Listen , it's your mistake

Shimara : No it's yours

Sanam : Don't mess with me you creepy creature.

Shimara : Hey monkey just keep your mouth shut.
And just were your shirt first ( face towards him but covered with palms)

Sanam groaning.

Sanam : I can't .

Shimara : Why ? You want to expose yourself in front of a beautiful girl.😏

Sanam came close to me... Kept his hand on his forehead near eyebrows as if finding someone

 Kept his hand on his forehead near eyebrows as if finding someone

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anam : Beautiful girl? Where I can't see her... Only creature I can see is a little monkey with frowned expression who want to see me shirtless 😂

Shimara : shiii.... You donkey... How dare you call me monkey...
(Took a deep breath) Look , first of all wear your shirt before anyone comes or else they will think fishy about us.

Sanam came more close to me without uttering a word.
We were so close that our breath tangled.
He wrapped up his hands around me.
I was standing dumbstruck. I closed my eyes as I can't see him in such situations. I felt a sudden jerk on my back and I opened my eyes... I saw him taking his shirt hunged behind me.
I breath in relief.
He took his shirt and buttoned it glaring at me... Observing my nervous face after such awkward situation he laughed at me.

Whispered in my ears

Sanam : Never think of such activities from me

Shimara : oh mr. I haven't think anything with you.

Sanam : Really? Then what about your face... Your face is expressing everything... Everything... your heavy breaths , fast heartbeats...

Shimara : You are impossible. I hate you.😣

I rushed out of his room before he could reply.

I went to another room to clean my dress. When I reached music room everybody else were ready at their positions to jam. Ashu was playing with Remy di.
Sanam was still missing.

Samar bhaiya passed me the paper having lyrics of our new #SANAMoriginal . I was lost in reading it suddenly felt tap on my shoulders and when I turned that donkey Bhaaawed (scared) me .

Sanam : 😂 just look at you. Same as it was few moments back.

I was blank hearing "few moments back". Oh god ! I hate such situations 😣

I escaped from there.  Giving him a glare 😕

I started playing with Ashu. I just love babies (especially Ashu )

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