Game Night

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So while I was writing this I realized this chapter was less centered around Klance and more Shiro and his soulmate whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Whatever even space dad has a soulmate so why not show his?


The first thing Lance did was ask about the gash on Shiro's nose. Keith just went and sat on his brothers couch.

"Lance!" Allura scolded him from across the room, "That's very rude. You don't ask something like that the second you step in someones house." 

"Allura it's fine calm down. Wait until Matt and Pidge get here and I'll tell everyone, though it's pretty stupid." Shiro laughs and leads the two to the living room where Keith and Hunk were talking.

"Oh hey Shiro, Pidge said they may not make it to game night, something happened to Matt. If they do come, it will be really late." Hunk saw the great concern on Shiro's face and immediately added "Don't worry he's fine now he just isn't keen on leaving the house." Shiro nodded and sat on the floor beside Allura. 

"Well I guess I'll tell the story now then. So I was cooking and heard my phone ring. I went upstairs to answer it but tripped on the way up and slammed my nose on the step at the top. The force split my nose open right where I hit it. There was no damage to the bone but it hurt like a bitch and is going to scar." At this point, everyone, even Allura, was laughing so hard they were clutching their stomachs. "Alright lets laugh at my stupidity later, now it's time for Cards Against Humanity! Oh and I ordered a pizza, it should be here soon."

After 5 rounds there was a knock on the door. Shiro went to answer it, thinking it was the pizza, and found Pidge and Matt. "Hey guys! Come on in, we're playing Cards Against Humanity and there's pizza on the way. Make yourselves at home." He lead them to the living room, not even glancing at Matt to see that he had a bandage over the bridge of his nose, in the spot Shiro had injured his own nose. Matt, however, saw this and knew exactly what it meant. Shiro didn't look at Matt until they were back in the game. During the first round, Shiro looked up and happened to make eye contact, well, Matt was looking in Shiro's eyes and Shiro was looking at the bandage. Everyone had noticed the tension and was looking between the two.

"What happened to your nose Matt?"

"It just split open while I was eating a couple days ago."

"What day?"


There was silence. Pidge looked as if she might cry, as did Allura. Lance looked ecstatic and Keith and Hunk had neutral expressions, they had already guessed this development long ago.

"I... I'll be right back." Shiro dropped his cards on the table and went to the kitchen. Pidge got up and pulled Matt to stand and shoved him toward where Shiro had gone

"Go you idiot." Matt looked surprised but Pidge just smiled sadly. He nodded and disappeared. Allura had gone outside already because a lady doesn't break down around others. Hunk had followed her and was providing comfort and support while Lance talked to Pidge. Keith had no idea what was happening, so he just sat in silence on the couch. Pidge calmed down relatively quickly and had stopped crying when Allura came back fully composed and with the pizza. They sat  back down and talked about anything but Shiro and Matt and everything was alright for the time being, that is,  until they came back. There was an awkward silence between them as the two went back to their spots. Shiro was between Allura and Pidge on the floor and Matt was between Keith and Hunk on the couch. 

"Matt switch seats with me the floor is fucking awful." Pidge stood up and more told Matt they were switching than asked. They switched and everything settled back into the rhythm they had previously. The game had resumed and they were laughing and eating the pizza as if nothing had happened. Eventually, Pidge had pulled a bunch of alcohol out of her bag and everyone except Keith was drunk.

"I'm bored of this lets play something else." Allura threw her cards on the ground beside her "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE."


Super short I'm sorry I just wanted to get this out there. I'll be at my dads this weekend so I probably won't write anything so I won't update for awhile. I kinda don't want to go but whatever

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