Chapter 6: Melodramatic Teens

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Rebecca stood up quickly, seeing the newcomers standing at the corner of the house. She smiled and noticed the three girls that stood next to Darcy, her cat. There was Joy the Fairy, who seemed fascinated by the great wilderness that spread around them. Then there was Trish the Pixie who, Rebecca was sure, was looking for something or someone to play with, her wings fluttered like butterfly's wings intermittently. Then there was Ara, the Water Sprite, who stood next to Darcy, holding him close. She looked as though her body were made of water, and only when she stood still was she truly a solid form.

"What, what are you guys doing here?" Rebecca said as she helped Ty up. He looked at his fixed elbow and let her continue away from the river banks.

"I heard that you were on a field trip, and I knew that you would need me in order to relax fully, so I came right away," Darcy said. He stretched his front paws, then his back as if he had been napping just before he spoke.

"How did you know?" Ty asked, looking up from his elbow.

"Ara told me," Darcy replied.

"My cousins, the ones who live here, in the river, they showed me that you had come," Ara said fluttering up to eye level with Rebecca.

"What?"" Rebecca asked. "What do you mean?"

"Ara is a water sprite!" Trish said, as she began to climb the house walls. "Sprites are connected, all streams, all rivers, all seas and oceans."

"It's true," Ara continued, "They saw you and so I saw you, and when I saw that you came to this place, I rushed to tell my sweet honey bun."

By that point, Darcy was rubbing up against Rebecca's leg, "I figured if you were here, then something must have happened. Something bad."

Rebecca picked up Darcy, he meowed in reaction, and looked in her eyes when she brought him up to eye level. But he only maintained it for a second, then his attention was caught by the floating of the air around her.

"How did you get here?" Rebecca asked, trying to keep Darcy's attention, but failing quite badly at it.

"It's one of my great powers, Rebecca. Do you not understand that I am the greatest gift a girl could ask for?" Darcy said with an air of smugness.

The sudden realization that it had been too long since Rebecca had seen Darcy hit her hard. She pulled him in and squeezed him tight. "Oh, my wittle dawshy washy, I mished yew shoooooooo much!" She said as she held him close and rotated back and forth.

"Ok, ok, woman, ok!" the cat said as he fought her love and finally dropped to the ground. He looked about to make sure everyone saw how cool he was, and Ara came racing to his side. He sniffed her, and then got down and began licking himself where Rebecca messed up his hair.

"Rebecca," came a soft and gentle voice, making the girl look up and see the fairy floating in the air. She was as shiny brilliant as the first day Rebecca saw her, her child-like face beamed with heavenly joy, and thus her name was given. Joy glided over air toward Rebecca, "We came here because Darcy sensed that something might be wrong. And I left my forest to make sure you were ok."

Rebecca looked back at Ty, who was under the eye of Laney, her large hat now pushed back so that she could look closely at his elbow. "I'm sorry to say, but it's not all ok, guys."

"Oh no!" Joy said suddenly very dramatic. "What is it? Are you plagued by the Nightmare King?"

"The who?" Rebecca asked, then decided to continue on. "No, no, nothing like that."

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