Chapter 7: Bad Night

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Rebecca Moon woke up and it was still dark. But then, the blanket was pulled over her head. She blinked a few times, trying to figure out what woke her, and realized that the covering on her head needed to be removed.

A slight shimmer of light broke through the drapes on the window, and told Rebecca that it was still early. Like silver, the light seemed to stream through her room and bounce off the bed and closet. She thought for a moment that she might go back to sleep, seeing as sleep was her great true love, but then as she lay in bed in the silvery light of the morning, she realized she was awake. Very awake. And she hated it.

The air in the room was warm, and the AC unit kicked in and began to cool it down. As it did so, it seemed to be a kick start to Rebecca and pushed her upward and out of bed. After looking down at her clothes, she realized that she had fallen asleep in her jeans and tee, so she had no problem walking out of her room.

The house that Laney, the Dragonfly Lady, owned was quaint. The hallway led to a sitting room, where a fire place was adorned with pictures of a family and moments from a life before this one. Rebecca walked toward the pictures, the shiny light bounced off the metal and wooden frames and they called out to the young girl.

Rebecca grabbed the photo in the middle of the banister and felt her heart move. It was a photo of Laney, much younger, and a man. They held two babies in their hands, and had smiles on their faces. It was odd, the sight of these two people who seemed so normal. This picture, this frame, this life, sitting in the house in an alternate reality connected to the real one through a portal. Laney looked happy.

Rebecca thought about how there was a sadness in Laney's eyes the day before, but in this picture, there was nothing but joy. She had given up so much, her love, her family, her life just to have this place. Rebecca's heart broke slightly at the thought of The Dragonfly Lady's sacrifice.

A thin streak of light broke Rebecca's concentration, and she looked up to see the back window opening out on the garden across the river. She carefully put the photo back on the shelf and walked to the back of the house. Passing through the dining room and past the kitchen, she wound up at the large glass back door. Rebecca put her hand on the door and felt the warm air from the outside calling to her.

Then the streak of light zipped past the back door again. She instantly recognized it and opened the door quickly.

"Joy," she whispered loudly. The warm summer weather rushed her and the sound of the night filled her ears. Crickets and leaves brushing together covered the silence. The sound of creatures in the dark continued to resound as Rebecca stepped outside again.

"Joy, are you there?" she said again, slightly louder.

"Rebecca Moon?" The hidden child-like voice responded. Then suddenly a bright light shone and Joy was zipping close to Rebecca. "Hello, Rebecca Moon!"

"Joy, what are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Humans usually sleep during this time."
"I... I couldn't sleep, I was having..."

"Visions?" Joy interrupted.

"I really hope not. It seemed a little sad, to be honest." Rebecca wanted to change the subject, and realized that Joy never answered her question. "But what are you doing?"

"I'm protecting the forest," Joy said with a sense of duty.

"What? From what?" Rebecca asked.

"From evil, of course. That's what I do, I'm a Fairy. Normally I would be protecting your father's forest, but I left it to come here and be with you."

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