Chapter 15: The Brotherhood of the Dragon

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            Rebecca watched as Toni Rigatoni walked out of the back, a large pot of coffee in his hand and a smile on his face. He was astonishingly formulaic, in that he looked exactly as though Rebecca would imagine a man named Anton Rigatoni, who owned an Italian restaurant, would look. His goatee was sprinkled with gray, which didn't move up into his black, slicked back hair.

He smelled as though he bathed in tomato sauce and cologne. His suit was well kept, like every chef Rebecca had seen on every cooking show. His strong arms held a tray with her coffee, hair on his knuckles running up his arms into the rolled-up sleeves of his white coat.

His eyes pulled every second of detail out of the scene. Rigatoni walked into the room with a happy question beaming from his face, unknowing of the situation, and as he approached the two, his questions filled more and more. A genuine smile ran over his face, unlike his son the bartender, Rigatoni seemed authentic about his welcoming presence.

He came closer to the two and as he did, Rebecca could see it. She could tell that, despite Ty's insistence, this man was indeed the boy's father. It was the nose, and the forehead, or something in the way they held their heads. Even with the bartender, Ty has some resemblance, but in the light of the owner of the restaurant, and the memory of The Dragonfly Lady, Ty was a complete match.

The two shared less facial similarities, but the body type was the same. As well, certain facial movements and vocalizing styles were near identical. Rebecca was sure of it as Rigatoni welcomed them into his business. Unfortunately, Rebecca knew that Ty was going through the same realization, and she was unsure of how he would react. As Rigatoni spoke for the first time, Rebecca wondered how Ty would feel, and if it would all boil over.

"Hello, my friends," Anton Rigatoni said. "Seeking the finest Italian food so early in the day, well, luckily I had just finished making some coffee. Please enjoy."

That's when Ty let loose his fist. It was quick, unsuspected and completely unwarranted, though that's not how Ty felt about the situation. His fist went straight for the man's jaw, clocking him across the face and causing him to drop the coffee.

"Ty!" Rebecca yelled. She looked over and saw the anger steaming off Ty's body. She then saw that the bartender was holding his dad. Shock overtook the man's face and he stretched his jaw in pain.

"YOU!" Ty shouted. "YOU," he didn't know what to say next, he didn't know where to go with it. He was angry, he was sad, he was happy and he was scared. The world began to rush around him, the sight of his dad came pouring down on him, he saw his father laying on the ground recuperating from the hit he made. Suddenly guilt ran through Ty's mind.

Then anger came rushing back, he had no reason to feel guilty, this was the man that left him. "How could you give Dona and me away?!" he yelled.

The question was lost though, as Ty spoke the bartender was already moving toward him. He moved like a bull, charging at Ty and bringing his head low. Ty wasn't ready for the attack, and was taken off his feet in a moment. The bartender dropped Ty on his back and pressed him down, while Ty struggled to get up.

By the time, Ty broke the man's hold, Anton was shouting in the air. He had gotten back up and the shock of his pain was gone.

"Randolph, stop!" Anton shouted.

Randolph swung around as Ty pushed him off, getting ready for an attack from Ty. Rebecca ran over to Ty and held him back, forcing him to hold still.

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