Chapter 11: When it goes wrong

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            Rebecca looked at the dead monster laying in the ground. She hated its stupid ape-like body, and its stupider spider-like face. She was glad that this thing was dead, and while she thought these things, Joy said them out loud.

"Stupid Ettercap. I hate them," Joy said. "I hate them all. Nasty bugs, nasty, nasty creatures."

"I have never encountered an Ettercap before," Ty said, looking the creature over.

"They rarely come out in daylight," Trish said, standing next to the boy. "And they usually only stay in places with no humans in them. They like to feed on Fey, not human flesh."

"Nasty, terrible creatures," Joy continued.

"So, how did you get mixed up with this guy?" Ty asked.

"We came into the grove, while you two were talking," Trish said. "And when we flew up into the sky, I got tangled, and Joy tried to help me. The struggle must have intrigued the Ettercap and he came out of the trees and spat on us. Then a... a Cockatrice came outta nowhere, NO WHERE I TELL YA!" Trish began to get very agitated. "And it chased Darcy off, and then Ara ran off after them."

"Darcy and Ara are still out there, with another monster?" Rebecca asked.

"Yes," Joy said, "And we need to go find them, or the Cockatrice will turn them to stone."

"What?" Rebecca naturally asked, unknowing the limits of the dark world she was now a part of.

"I'll explain on the way," Ty said to Rebecca, he then turned to the Fey girls, "Can you two track Ara and Darcy? Lead us to where they went?"

"Um," Joy began, "Uh, yeah. I think I can do that."

"Of course, we can," Trish began.

"Great, let's get going," Ty said.

Along the pathway, led by Trish and Joy, Ty explained to Rebecca. "The Cockatrice is a nasty creature; it looks like a chicken and lizard or something."

"I remember that, it was at the bridge earlier, right?"

"Yeah, it was one of those monsters," Ty replied, "And it's mean and will attack anything that seems even slightly threatening. They have foul attitudes, beaks that can break stone and claws that can turn you to stone."


"I dunno, magic."

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"I don't know everything, Rebecca."

"Why not?! There is a chicken out here that can turn people to stone! I didn't sign up for that! And now you're telling me that you don't know how to fight it."

"Hey, I didn't say I didn't know how to fight it. I just need to fight it, without, ya know, getting cut."

"Oooh, wow. What a plan," Rebecca said mocking Ty. "Cause that will go well."

"Hey, I can take care of it, Rebecca. Why the sudden lack of confidence?"

"It's not that I don't have confidence, it's just, I don't want a statue of a boyfriend. I want the flesh and blood thing. Ok? Just be careful."

Rebecca Moon & the Magical Monster HuntWhere stories live. Discover now