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~MY LESSON FOR THE DAY was cancelled. Apparently, after mine and Don's conversation last night, Don had completely left the manner. Therefore, there would be no point for our tutor to teach just me without her star pupil there, as well as him being the only one to actually care what she's teaching. In the long run, there are many reasons why Don is the favorite to anyone.

Without lessons to make up the majority of my schedule, I honestly has no idea what to do with my free time.

I attempted to keep myself busy; I checked my Instagram, watched a movie, and even fully completed a puzzle. Alas, I still ended with more than enough time to be completely and utterly bored out of my mind.

My back makes contact with my bed. Drearily, I stare up at my ceiling. I am almost convinced that nothing will be able to relieve my boredom, but the I spark an idea; Elle.

Quickly, I shoot off my bed to find my desk. My fingers quickly spring into action as I type out a message.

"Hey, are you busy today? Managed to get a free day."

Silent and impatiently, I wait in anticipation for my beloved friend to reply. About a minute later, my ears are given a pleasures gift of the sound of my notifications going off.

A smile is plastered across my face as I read her message. Though, at the end, a look of sheer disappointment replaces my smile.

"I'm sorry, Lay, but I can't! Hunter and I are out making wedding plans today!"

Reading her message pains me. I had almost forgot about the whole engagement.

That, and the fact she isn't into women.

The cruel reality known as life hits me pretty damn hard. That, and the fact that she's engaged to a guy named Hunter.

Only losers are named Hunter.

I bet I would be a much more qualified boyfriend than this Hunter.

Well, other than I am not a boy. Guess that would put a damper on things.

As a finally attempt to do something with my life, I leave my room to find anyone in this house I could possibly bother.

As I walk down the long halls, I don't see a single maid. Normally, there are numerous maids in each hall, trying to keep up to my psychotic mother's expectations. But today, the halls are empty.

My next stop in my journey is to the kitchen. Because, let's be honest, food cures all boredom.

When I make it to the kitchen, I am shocked to find no one.

Alright, that is just really disappointing. As well as disturbing.

As much as I hate to freely go see my mother, I need to figure out this missing servant debacle. Therefore, I so daringly make it to my mother's room.

Once in front of her room, I am about to knock when something forces me to stop. I can not exactly place a finger on it, but my pureblood senses kick in.

Something is not right.

Even with my vampire senses kicking into overdrive, I bring myself to knock. A minute later without an answer, I force myself to knock once more. Another minute with no answer, I call out to her.

"Mother," I muster the most concerned voice that I own for this woman. Left without another answer, I take initiative.

"I'm coming in," I announce.

Slowly, I allow the door to creak open. What I am shocked to find is an empty room.

She wouldn't have left, my mind races. She couldn't have.

I search the room desperately for anything; a clue, a sign.


But there was nothing.

Until the smell of sweet, pure blood lifted into the air.

A Vampire to Rule: Fallen Empire (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now