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        It's been a few weeks since the day of the Quidditch match. Today's the day that Ron, Hermione, and I leave for our fourth year at Hogwarts. I've been dying to try and confront Draco about that day, but I'm worried it was just a fluke thing and that it wont happen again. I was packing my bags, thinking to myself when Ron came running in. "Harry, we've got to get going or we'll be late. Mum said she'll finish packing things for us and send them to the school. All we need are our robes and books for right now." He explained before running out to get dressed. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my books before going downstairs to meet with Hermione. I haven't even mentioned the situation with Draco to either one of them. It doesn't seem like I can hear Hermione or Ron's thoughts. Just Draco's.

      "Hey, 'Mione." She smiled at me and gave me a hug. We made small talk while we waited for Ron to come downstairs so we could leave. About twenty minutes later, he finally came down and we had to get to the station right away or else we would miss the train. As we got on the train, I tried contacting Draco. 'Can you still hear me or am I going insane?' After a few moments, I figured I was just going crazy. Until I heard him. 'I hear you. Where are you, we need to talk.' I told Ron and Hermione I needed to use the bathroom and went off to the nearest empty compartment. I told Draco where I was and waited for him to show up. About five minutes, he walked in and cast a silencing charm over the compartment so we could talk privately.

     "Potter." He greeted and anxiously sat down across from me. I quickly got up and closed the blinds because Draco hadn't thought of it. "Oh, shit. Right. That was a good idea." He muttered to himself. He seemed almost as nervous as I felt. "We can hear each others thoughts." He pointed out the obvious. I nodded silently, sitting down across from him and looking everywhere except at him. "Can you hear anyone else's? Or is it just mine." He asked, genuinely curious about the sudden mind reading ability we both seemed to accumulate.

      "Just yours. I don't know why and it's freaking me out. When it happened at the match I thought I had just drank too much Firewhiskey." I chuckled. Draco chuckled too. We kept asking the question of why before realizing that our friends probably thought we died or something. We parted ways and I ran back to my original compartment to sit with Ron and Hermione. Both of which seemed to have been freaking out because I was gone for thirty-five minutes. I was right. Ron thought I died and Hermione wasn't sure what the hell happened. What about your crew? I thought towards Draco as I tried convincing Ron and Hermione I was fine. Fuck, they barely even noticed I was gone. I chuckled when I finally got Draco's response. I couldn't help but wonder to myself, does this make us friends? Draco never responded so I don't think he heard it.

      When we all got off the train and got to the school, we watched the first years get sorted and talked like normal. Draco and I occasionally thought towards each other, but mostly bad jokes about some of the first years. He could be funny when he wasn't a prick. At one point, Hermione asked me a question and I ended up thinking my answer instead of saying it. I could hear Draco's laugh echo in my head. We should ask Dumbledore, he might know what happened. I thought towards Draco after dinner ended. We met up and walked in silence to Dumbledore's office to ask him how to fix it.

      "Suddenly, Malfoy and I can hear each others thoughts. Why?" I asked the old wizard. Dumbledore simply smiled at us and gestured for us to sit. When we did, he walked down the stairs in his office and came to sit across from us. "Sir?" I questioned the long pause when he didn't answer.

      "You're both confused. I know this. And time will tell you the answer, but for now I cannot tell you. It will all make sense in time, I promise. I suggest both of you take this opportunity to become friends and stop bickering. Trust me, it'll benefit you both in the long run." Dumbledore chuckled and offered us both a candy. Confused, we each took a candy and left the office feeling more confused than ever.

      "What do you think he meant?" Draco asked softly as we made our way down the corridor. It was almost time for curfew and Draco was walking me back to Gryffindor tower so we could talk. "What do you think he meant when he said it'll make sense in time?"

      "I don't know, honestly. Don't get me wrong, he's a brilliant wizard but he never seems to make much sense." I chuckled. Draco let out a small laugh. "I think he's right about one thing. We should use this to become friends." I smiled. Draco nodded silently. That's all I've wanted this whole time. I heard him thinking. He seemed to suddenly remember that I could hear him, because he turned pink. "Yeah that's gonna take some getting used to." I laughed. When we reached the Tower, we said our goodbyes and I walked in as he left. It was fun talking to you. Maybe this year we can get through it without killing each other? Draco's thought entered my head and I laughed out right, not thinking about the fact that Hermione was seated on the couch reading a book. She tried hounding me with questions, but I simply shook it off and went up to bed. I sent out a 'Goodnight, Draco' and fell asleep as 'Goodnight, Harry' entered my head.

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