six *draco's pov*

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        "All I know is that this isn't Voldemort." Harry spoke with determination. If anyone knew Voldemort, it was him. I'd believe Harry straight away when it comes to Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

     "Who else could it be, Harry?" I asked softly, scanning the crowded Great Hall for anyone who was giving us 'special attention'. He began to spitball ideas with Hermione while Ron scanned the room with me. He spotted Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley sitting at the Ravenclaw table looking over at us.

     "What is she looking at?" He was annoyed with his sister's staring so he stood up and walked over to them. I followed closely, looking back to see if Harry and Hermione had finished their idea rant. They hadn't. "Something got your attention, Gin?" Ron smirked. She shook her head. "How's it going, Luna?" Luna looked at him and smiled.

     "Hi Ron. Hi Draco. Ginny, we should get going. There are nargles everywhere." Luna obviously lied. Ginny nodded and the two of them quickly walked out as fast as possible.

      "They're up to something, Malfoy. I don't like it." I agreed. We sat back down with our friends and told them what we've discovered. Harry got very confused when we mentioned that Ginny might be involved, but Hermione thought it made perfect sense.

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