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        It's been three weeks since I told Hermione and Ron that Draco and I are friends now, but she still has no idea about our strange telepathic relationship. The more I spend time with Draco, the stronger my feelings for him seem to grow. Since Ron and Hermione found out about our friendship, we've been avoiding communicating through thoughts and talking face to face instead. It was a Saturday morning and when I woke up, I immediately could tell something was off. I woke Ron and we went down to the Great Hall to look for Hermione and Draco. Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table as per usual, reading one of her favorite books. Again. Draco was nowhere to be seen.

      "Have you seen Malfoy around, Mione?" Ron asked Hermione when we got close enough to the table for her to hear us. She shook her head and claimed that he might have slept in or something. I tried to believe that she might be right, but something in me was screaming to look for him.

     "Ron, you wait here with Hermione. I'm going to look for him." I spoke and walked off, feigning normality. In my head, I contacted Draco to see if he was around. Are you alright? As I waited for an answer, I checked our normal spots. The library, the courtyard, even the Potions classroom. Draco was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't until dinner that night that I finally got a response from Draco. Harry. I shushed Ron and Hermione, who were in an intense conversation about classes. They looked at me as I asked Draco where he is. When he said he was out by the lake, I got up and ran out of the Hall as fast as I could. Ron and Hermione were hot on my tail as I ran to check on Draco.

      When we got to the lake, there he was. He was sat up against one of the trees, his jacket sprawled out next to him. "Harry." He whispered, his voice sounded much more hoarse out loud than it did telepathically. "I don't know what happened. One minute I was getting ready for breakfast and the next, I'm out here alone and cold. My ankle hurts. I think I sprained it somehow." With Ron and Hermione's help, we brought Draco to the Hospital Wing where Madame Pomfrey gave Draco some medicine and food.

     "How do you think you sprained your ankle and ended up out by the lake?" I asked him a few hours later. Ron and Hermione retired to the Gryffindor tower for the night. I refused to leave Draco's side until I knew for sure he would be okay.

      "I don't know, Harry. I really don't. But I know that something's not right about all of this." He muttered angrily. I silently agreed with him. "You should go get some rest, Harry. I'll be fine down here with Pomfrey." He locked eyes with me and smiled softly. I shook my head.

      "I'm not leaving you." I let it slip. I didn't mean for it to come out, but the soft look Draco gave me told me that it was okay that I did. "I mean it, Draco. I'm not leaving you. You're my friend and you would do the same thing for me." I coughed out, trying to play it cool. Draco rolled his eyes at me.

      "Fine. Then you might as well sit down. Pomfrey says I'll be in here until morning." He explained. His voice still sounded about as rough as his ankle looked. "What do you think happened, Harry?" I shrugged. I wish I could give him an answer. I wish I knew. "I just hope it doesn't happen again." He muttered. I nodded and sat down on the empty bed next to him. We talked for a little while longer before Draco drifted off to sleep. I sat back and stared out at the otherwise empty hospital wing. I thought, maybe someone hexed him or something? Thinking Draco couldn't hear me in his sleep, I thought freely about that idea until I fell asleep myself.

      That next morning when Pomfrey came to wake Draco, she laughed and went to wake me up too. I know she laughed because Draco started to laugh too. "Alright, dear. How is your ankle feeling today? All better?" She asked in her chirpy, but sweet voice. Draco stood up, testing the waters, and nodded. "Then you two are free to go. If you ever remember what happened, make sure you come back and tell me. That or go up and tell the Headmaster." She smiled. We nodded and walked off to breakfast.

     "I heard what you were thinking last night." Draco softly brought it up as we ate with Ron and Hermione. It being a weekend and all, we were free to eat at any of the House tables. "Do you really think someone could have done it?" I nodded. "Who?" The four of us shot ideas of who would hex Draco back and forth from breakfast to dinner. We walked the entirety of the grounds and watched the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw won by catching the snitch.

     "Do you think they were meaning to hurt both of us? By capturing us together?" Draco asked at one point during dinner. I thought about it for a moment. It made perfect sense. Everyone here knows that Draco and I spend almost all of our time together. Why shouldn't they have expected us to be together when they made their move.

     "It makes perfect sense. Whoever did this was trying to get both of us at the same time. Whatever they wanted with you, that's how you hurt your ankle. You must have tried running and when you tripped, they took away that memory. Someone's after us, Draco." I've done a lot of things in my life. Even though I'm only a fourth year. I've defeated Voldemort twice, and I know when he's around. "All I know, is that this is not the work of Voldemort."

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