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        The next morning when I woke up, I was instantly greeted by Draco's voice in my head. Morning! The dining hall is empty! Saturday breakfast before we go hunt a new place to hang out? I sent back a simple okay before getting dressed and walking downstairs to eat breakfast with Draco. We ate quickly, the only other people in the room being a small group of first year Hufflepuff's. When we finished, we walked outside to the Black Lake. "I suppose we can actually talk now." Draco chuckled. I nodded silently. "How've your classes gone so far?" I shrugged.

      "Fine, I suppose. Yours?" I responded quietly. Draco began to go on about how his classes are going so far this term. They sound like they're going a lot better than mine, really. "That's good, Draco. I'm glad they're going so well. Sorry, it's so weird being able to talk freely." I chuckled. Draco nodded, knowing that it's just as weird for him. We talked for hours about anything and everything. I tried to keep my mind clear of any thoughts having to do with my feelings for Draco. I couldn't risk him finding out and running off.

      At one point, there was a period of silence. I sat and stared out at the lake, Draco did the same. After twenty minutes of silence, Draco opened his mouth. "Have you figured out a way to hide our thoughts from each other? Like if we want to think something and not have the other hear it?" He asked. I nodded.

      "I basically think to myself. That sounds stupid, I know. But instead of thinking for the purpose of thinking, I'll think to myself. When you hear my thoughts, I'm thinking towards you. Not necessarily about you, but towards you. Try it." I stood up and walked ten paces away from Draco and sat down. "Think to yourself. Look out at the lake and think." He did as told. After five minutes, I didn't hear anything. "Did you do it?" I asked. He nodded. "That's how it's done. Now try again, and this time face the lake and think towards me." He nodded and turned his head towards the lake. After a few seconds, I heard his voice in my head saying hi. I chuckled. "Hi to you too." He grinned. "And that's how it's done."

     "Cool! Thank you, Harry. I know this has been weird for both of us, but I'm glad it's you that can hear my thoughts and not someone else." He smiled at me as I got up and came back to the lake to sit by him. I nodded silently. I'm glad it's you too, I thought towards him and smiled softly. We sat and watched the lake for hours more until dinner time and walked back to the Dining Hall to eat with our separate houses. While we were eating, I heard Draco's voice enter my head. How much longer are we going to have to hide being friends? I hate Crabbe and Goyle. I laughed to myself, confusing Ron and Hermione. Not much longer, Draco. I promise.

      "What's so funny, Harry?" Hermione asked, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked to her in surprise and shrugged, preparing myself for the wrath of Granger when I tell her the truth.

     "Thinking of something Draco said to me earlier." I muttered and continued eating like it was nothing. When she finally pieced together what I said, she stood from the table and stared at me.

      "What?!" She shrieked. Draco looked up from the Slytherin table and locked eyes with me. "Since when did you and Malfoy talk? And since when do you call him Draco?!" She whispered harshly at me, sitting back down as if she didn't just stand. You told her? I heard. Yep, I thought back. Good luck. "Harry!" She growled.

      "Since the Quidditch World Cup. Jeez, Hermione. You guys were there. Don't you remember?" I laughed it off and went to stand slowly. "We just kind of started talking after that. We're friends now." I explained. "Oh, would you look at that. I finished eating. Bye." I ran out of the Great Hall, Draco following close behind me. Hermione and Ron were close behind, yelling at us to explain ourselves. At least now they know, I thought. Draco laughed and we kept running.

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