His Name Is Josh (One)

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A/N: Another random idea inspired by Josh's alien obsession. Shouldn't be too long. Drop a review, they make my day. Hope you enjoy. :)

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When Tyler saw him for the first time, he was conflicted as to whether he should scream or hide below the dashboard.

His car headlights illuminated the young man's features in the dark night, the road disappearing into black oblivion a ways down from where they were. Tyler wasn't even supposed to be out at this time. If not for the damn Pringles running out, he wouldn't be here : staring down the man he'd almost just crashed into at 1 AM on a Tuesday night.

The man is dressed in all white, like some sort of 80s boyband member. A long sleeved white top and matching slim fitting white pants, they're similar to pajamas. He's barefoot, Tyler notices, and the eyes that peek out from behind electric yellow hair seem unfazed by the fact that he was almost run down by a 28 year old man in a dull pink sedan.

Tyler released a breath he didn't realize he was holding, opening his car door and stepping out quickly. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, are you alright?!" The words come rushing out in a river of confusion and relief that he didn't hit the guy.

The man stared back at him, blinking his wide brown eyes at Tyler.

"Um..." crickets chirped as Tyler stared at him. "Do you...are you...do you need help?" He finally decided on.

The man furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly.

"Do you know where you are?" Tyler tried again, setting one hand on his car door and the other on the cold pink roof.

The man's eyes widened again and he shook his head a little.

"No...? Do you...um...do you remember why you're on the road...?" Tyler asked, reaching up to scratch the back of neck. The situation was becoming uncomfortable. This feeling only escalated as the mysterious young man shook his head again.

"Okay...well, how about, um, you come with me and I'll take you to my house?" Tyler looked to the man for approval. "And then we can go from there?"

The man tilted his head once more, lips pursed in confusion.

"Here, ah..." Tyler frowned and stepped around his car door, closing it and walking around the hood of the car. The man tensed immediately, taking a step away from Tyler, eyes wide with fear. "No, no, it's okay--I'm not gonna hurt you." Tyler assured him carefully, sliding past the man and over to the passenger side door. He opened it slowly, as not to alarm him.

"Come here, it's okay," Tyler motioned at him with his hand. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." He repeated. The man took a step towards Tyler, and then another, staring at him with stiff brown eyes.

"That's right. It's okay." Tyler assured, stepping out of the way as the yellow haired man looked at him, then the car, and then back again.

Tyler held his breath as the man cautiously sat down in the passengers seat, eyeing Tyler warily. The 28 year old wasted no time in closing the door and hurrying back over to the drivers side. He slipped in and closed the door behind him, turning to the man.

"Do you have a name?" Tyler inquired, eyebrow raised unsurely.

A beat of silence passed as the man stared at Tyler, seemingly assessing him with those wide brown eyes. Tyler tried not to look away, his social anxiety kicking up when the man's eyes continued to look over his face.

"Do you..um...do you have a name?" Repeated Tyler. "Name?" Thinking fast, Tyler pulled his wallet from his pocket and freed his license from the mess of credit cards, gift cards and receipts. He pointed to his own name. "Tyler Joseph." He pointed to the words carefully. "That's me. That's my name. Do you have one?"

The man's eyebrows raised with sudden realization and he patted himself down quickly, fumbling with a metal necklace around his neck. He snapped it off easily, surprising Tyler, and held the two dog tags up proudly, a tight lipped smile making Tyler grin back.

"Oh, um, okay," Tyler took them and the man looked from the tags to Tyler and back again, as if awaiting his approval. Tyler examined the tags closely.

Area: 51
Subject :  B21 : JOSH
Species : UNKNOWN

Tyler stared at the tags in utter shock. He shoved the fear down, swallowing hard at the words he saw:  'species : unknown', 'area 51', 'government property'. It sounded like something from a movie. He swallowed again, panic rising in his throat.

"S-So your name is Josh?" Tyler managed finally. 'Josh' was still looking at him with wide childish eyes longing for approval.

He broke out into a smile and nodded furiously.

"Okay, Josh, um..." Tyler paused, tapping the steering wheel with his hands. "We're going to my house." Part of Tyler regretted this decision. The other part was in denial. Josh couldn't be an alien. Aliens weren't real...were they? No. They weren't...right??

He took a shaky breath. "Buckle your seat belt." Josh looked at him anxiously, fear in his eyes. "Ah, no, um, it's okay, just..." Tyler grabbed his own seat belt, pulling it around his body and clicking it into place. "Like this, okay? It's a safety thing..."

Josh stared at him for a second before he reached for his own seatbelt, pulling it around his own body and unbuckling Tyler's seatbelt only to lock his own into Tyler's seatbelt lock.

Tyler couldn't help but grin. "N-no, um, that's not--" he laughed and Josh looked at him curiously. "That's not right. See? You have your own." Tyler unbuckled Josh's seatbelt, clicking it into the correct lock and re-buckling his own. "There. See?"

Headlights appeared in Tyler's rear view mirror and the 28 year old gasped in surprise as he realized they were still parked at the side of the road. He turned the key in the ignition and the car revved to life.

Josh clutched the dashboard tightly, eyes wide with terror as his eyes flicked around nervously. Light crackled and Tyler looked over in alarm to see that Josh's hair had illuminated, lighting up the dark interior of the car. Electricity crackled through it and Tyler opened his mouth only to find that he couldn't speak.

Eyes wide with fear, Tyler quickly realized that he could barely draw a breath and his entire body was tense, paralyzed. "J-Josh--" he croaked feebly. "It--it's okay--"

Josh looked at him with panicked eyes, staring for a second before he relaxed slightly, shoulders easing out of tension and hair dying down from its electrical fit.

Tyler drew a long breath, collapsing back in his seat, stunned. He swallowed hard, still a little unsure of what had just happened. "It-it's okay, it's just the car..." He stuttered, taking another shaky breath.

The 28 year old tried not to jerk away as Josh wrapped his hand around Tyler's. Instead the brunette turned to the yellow haired man with a confused gaze. Josh was frowning, staring intently at Tyler with apologetic eyes.

"It's okay..." Tyler managed after a few seconds. "It's okay, you didn't mean to.."

As Tyler pulled onto the road and began his drive back to his house, Josh peered out the window, leaning his head against the window pane. Tyler clutched the steering wheel tightly and tried to take even breaths.

What had he just gotten himself into?

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