Torrison One Shots

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Getting lost in New York, Tom and Harrison putting blind faith into google maps, and wandering around for hours, till, when they do find their hotel, it is dark out, though the city is lit up, and Tom falls asleep in the lobby.

Inspired by @tomhollanddrawings on instagram
Arguing over who would make the better James Bond, showing each other art and pictures off the internet, but each secretly thinking the other would do a better job.

Harrison wanting Tom to help with the dishes, so he fills the sink with soap, but instead of helping, Tom spends the whole time covering the slightly annoyed Haz in bubbles as he tries to finish washing dishes.

Harrison helping Tom pack late at night, because he always procrastinates doing it, and then getting to wake Tom up by kissing him, because he only got a few hours of sleep, and he's slept through the alarm.

Tom and Harrison texting back and forth on the plane, even though they're sitting right next to each other, because Harry is asleep and they don't want to wake him up.

Tom and Haz arguing over who gets to braid Laura's hair, because they both love to do it, but neither really know how.

Summer basketball games with their gang, always whispering over who they will let win this time.

Harrison helping out Tom with writing scripts for movies he hopes one day to direct.

Them both procrastinating on unpacking their stuff in the new apartment, so they make coffee, because the coffee maker is one of the few things they've unboxed, and they have coffee and cold pizza for dinner as they lie on the plastic wrapping on the mattress of Tom's unmade bed and look through all the interior design catalogues Nikki got them.

Sam coming over and they are embarrassed to tell him what they made the wifi password so when he goes home he jokingly tells Dom and Nikki they won't tell him and when Tom's parents call him and force him to tell them what it is, Nikki swears to herself she will never let a family gathering happen at their apartment.

Tom kept the Batman mask from that interview he did for Haz to mount on the wall as a trophy.

Tom and Haz sometimes watch James' lives on Harry's phone so they can watch him joke around about how they are dating and get their fans all riled up.

Them spending the plane rides and hotel nights finding weird quizzes on the internet and forcing each other to take them.

Tom refusing for whatever reason to admit he when he has his earbuds in all the time, he is listening to the audio books of all the stories he couldn't read as a child because he was so busy with acting and school and Billy Elliot.

Haz always buying plants and saying they are going to start a garden on their balcony, but he forgets about them and Tom waters them way too much and gives them names.

When they go grocery shopping it's Tom who go searching for free samples and Haz who collects all those recipes at the deli that he says he's going to use. It's Nikki who orders using a grocery delivery system because the boys waited to long and got kicked out when the store closed.

The two of them are always determined to do the Sunday morning crossword puzzle, and even though they usually finish, none of their answers line up and often don't fit the amount of boxes there are.

They're doing an experiment, where when you're watching game of thrones, what is the perfect balance between making out, and watching enough to understand the plot.

Only Tom and Haz's fans know who's clothes are who's, so, before going out, they desperately dig through drawers and piles of laundry trying to remember who bought what.

There was no video of Tom surprising an asleep Harrison Osterfield with the news he got two million followers because god forbid they put a video of them doing that on the internet.

Tom sometimes feeling trapped when there are too many people trying to get his attention, and
Harrison finding somewhere to duck out of the crowds and they'll order something cold to drink and Tom will just lie in his lap, Haz tucking his cold hands underneath Tom's shirt and talking with him until he's composed again.

Making the bed is a two person job, and when it's done you can lie on the clean sheets and do Eskimo kisses and talk about your day.

Whenever Harrison suggests watching a movie, Tom gets blankets and food and virtually everything else so they won't have to get up. They always watch more than one, and Haz always threatens to wake Tom up to help him clean all the stuff up, but he never does.

Tom has started to introduce Haz to his really young fans at the hospital as his boyfriend, knowing that they couldn't really make anyone believe them even if the fully understood, and it felt great to say it.

Torrison one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now