Chapter Two

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I hurried down the stairs when I heard the bell from the store ring. The sign was flipped to the side that said closed, but I guess some people couldn't read. My hand was still plastered against my face. The pain refusing to subside, but I couldn't let go for many, many reasons.

Especially if they were human.

No, if it was Aiden.

I shrieked as I came to a sudden halt. Someone grabbed my wrist and I had no choice but to stay put.

"What are you doing?" Aiden asked, tugging at my wrist. Making it clear for me to move it away.

"Nothing," I replied, separating my palm from my face. That was when he let go, and I prayed harder than I ever thought possible for everything to be fine. "I thought you were a customer."

"You think a person is going to walk in here when you have the closed sign out?"

"A thief would do that, just saying."

Since he didn't comment on my face, I could safely assume everything was how it should be. Though, he had the usual, 'I know you're up to something look.' It was clear to me that Aiden didn't like the way I was using the time I had. Honestly, it wasn't really his business. He had to watch and report of anything dark and dangerous. He may have his suspicions, but he had no proof.

What I wanted to know was; how did Sara handle it?

They kept it strictly professional from what Aiden had told me, but it was hard to believe, since the "curse" created an attachment between the mermaid and her Protector. I still think he cared in some way, but refused to acknowledge it.

"Aiden, hurry up!" Ariel shouted, as she walked in. I guess he stopped to check on me then would take her home. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"I'm coming," he said. 

"Look, you've been stalking me all this time and I haven't done anything wrong. I have three months left. You think I could plan something in that short amount of time?" A plan of that sort would need a lot more time. I would know. 

"Not even a day. Magic like that is unpredictable," he said, seriously. 

"Aiden!" Ariel called. 

Neither of us said another word as Aiden left the store. I leaned against the counter, sighing. I was relieved to be alone again and away from him. 

Once everything was locked and secured, I went back up to my room, standing in front of my desk. The journal was where I left it and I was debating whether to finish what I had started. Sadly, my mind was more focused on what happened in the bath. 

That wasn't the first time I had to deal with that. No, it was almost something I was used to. But Aiden couldn't know about it. The change I was going through would be taken as a threat, but they had every right to do so. 

He probably sensed the magic emitting from my body. Holding such power in wasn't the best option. Though, it felt like that was the only thing I was able to do in my situation. There were days where I wished Asher or Noah was with me so we could figure it out. 

I shook my head. No, I couldn't think like that. This was my life now and I had to work it all out on my own. Even though I had Ariel to tell things to, there were some things like this that I had to keep to myself. I wanted to trust her, but she was dating the guy that could ruin my life with one dark exposure. 

I had to remind myself that I used to handle everything on my own. What I was doing was no different. Maybe, except it was magic I had never learned. But once I had the hang of it, it wouldn't matter. 

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