Chapter Three

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"Where have you been?" Aiden asked as soon as I walked in. 

"You're not going to believe me, but the ocean." I tried my hardest to keep my composure.

"Whoa! You and swimming in the ocean don't add up," he replied, counting with his fingers and going all parent mode on me again. It was seriously annoying. 

"Maybe, I finally gained the confidence. That is normal, Aiden. Maybe, my urge to swim was stronger than my fear? I can't see how taking a swim in the ocean could mean world domination." He didn't like the tone I was using, but I didn't care. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed." 

The second I got in bed, I focused all my energy on sleeping. Even though it wasn't easy resting my mind. I was worried about what Ariel saw, but from what I could tell, she didn't tell Aiden. Yet.

That wouldn't have happened if she didn't bring me another one of his letters. It infuriated me to no end that she didn't respect my wishes. I had made up my mind and I wasn't about to go back. 

Noah and I have been through a lot together and also apart, but in that time, I learned what I really felt for him. In my heart, I still cared about him, but nothing more. The curse was what made that happen. Not only that, the mermaid leaders manipulated us for their benefit.

These thoughts frustrated me to no end. If I dwell on them for too long I would stay up all night. I turned over, forcing myself to sleep. 

"Someone's up early for once," I heard Aiden sing as I walked down the stairs. The creaking sound from the wooden steps could be heard from a mile away. 

"Shut up. I couldn't sleep in," I growled. 

"Want anything to eat?" Aiden asked. 

"No, I already ate." I hopped on the counter and sat there like I normally do. 

"Well, I'm heading out today. Ariel's going to come over in a bit." He came right in front of me and shoved his face near mine. I backed away, eyes wide. "Whatever happened between you two; fix it." He walked out without letting me think of a reply to that. 

"Psycho," I mumbled to myself. 

Reading Ariel's face was way too easy, so I wasn't shocked that he knew something was up. Sighing, I grabbed one of the journals I kept hidden and started going over what I discovered over the past several months. If I kept at it, I would-

The door rang, jolting me upright. I hid the journal before whoever walked in could set their sights on it. I took a random book off the shelf and pretended to be interested with it. 

"It's just me," Ariel said, walking in. 

"Oh, good. I can stop pretending to read this book." 

"You know you've changed, Lara." She dropped her bag behind the counter, looking displeased. 

"Did you just notice?" I swung my legs back and forth, aware of the changes that have been happening. I was indifferent about it, but it was necessary for my future.

"Huh, at least you know," she shook her head. Even Ariel had changed within these several months. She started to outgrow her happy-go-lucky personality. I couldn't tell if it was because of the dark energy I was emitting or if that was only a front. "Now, are you going to talk to me about what happened yesterday?"

I shook my head, "I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"Lara, please. Aiden thinks you're hiding something and look! He's right!" 

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