Chapter Four

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Why did that Seven guy whisper Amara's name to me?

I couldn't get it off my mind. Did he think I was Amara? And if he knew about her, then he must know that she hasn't walked this earth for a long time. And if he knew that, then he must be someone in the mermaid community.

"Lara?" Aiden snapped his fingers in front of my face.

I smacked his hand away. "What?!" I shook my head. "Sorry, I-"

"You apologizing to me? That's a first. Can you say it again so I can record it?"

"Stop!" I looked away, "Is your friend, Seven a merman or something?" I didn't want to ask because I knew what he would think, but it had been bugging me since the encounter.

"Yes, if you couldn't tell from the unusual eyes." Right. "Why?"

"Just wondering." I paused, "how long have you guys been friends?"

"Why are you so curious all of a sudden? It's not like you to take an interest in another person. Hmm?"

"Because I've been here for almost a year and I have never seen him here before. Yet, you guys are friends."

He shrugged, "maybe if you paid attention to the people around you instead of stuffing your face in books, you probably would've met him sooner."

"Funny," I sighed. I wasn't even gonna think of a reason as to why because it would've been pointless to do so. If I wanted to learn about him, I'd have to figure it out myself. As usual.

Maybe I was going in depth with something that didn't mean much at all. I have been told that I have similar features with Amara, but there were still differences. For one, Amara's physical body was gone, so any current resemblance no longer existed. Not only that, it was morphed after what she had done. Which was why she needed me to come back.

Every mermaid and merman knew the story of Amara and Luka, so Seven calling me by her name was beyond weird.

"Lara!" Aiden called, snapping me out of my thoughts again.

"Whatever," I replied.

"Are you guys fighting again?!" Ariel pouted while crossing her arms. "I wish you two would just get along already."

"Ariel, that's like asking me to turn into a dragon."

"If mermaids are real, then that's a possibility."

"Actually, just because one mythical creature exists, doesn't mean there are others. Most of it is fiction, but there's a book that talks about how mermaids encountered a human for the first time. That is something only found within our libraries, but that person had spread that information and thus the mermaid myths were born." Aiden went on like this was some history class. He enjoyed showing off how well educated he was on that subject. It was irritating.

"Aww," Ariel replied. "I was hoping to meet a dragon." From the tone in her voice, she wasn't being completely serious about it.

"I'm heading out today. I need some air," I said as I walked past the both of them and went out the door. The cool breeze hit me like a wave, but I enjoyed it. The inside of that bookstore felt cramped and too warm for my liking.

I walked around the usual shops that were open across the beach. Nothing new was displayed from the last time I was here, but glancing at something other than books was enough for me.

I ordered iced tea and sat inside the cafe for a little while, trying to keep my mind off everything, and pretending to be normal. Just another human in a cafe, enjoying her iced tea and worrying about her future. Like any normal teenage girl.

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