Chapter Five

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"Lara?" Aiden said, as he walked inside the house.

"Aiden, this place. I've been here before. Luka brought me here, remember I told you when we were trying to hide. Why? Why did Seven bring me here?" I asked, while the past was filling my mind. The perfect word would be haunting. There was no escape from Luka and Amara.

"I think he should explain that to you," Aiden said, holding his hands up as a way to defend himself. "We should head back."

I nodded, but only because I was in shock. I never imagined I would end up back in that place. My feet followed Aiden as if I were programmed to do so and made our way back to the bookstore. I hopped on the counter as usual, trying to do my job, but my mind would not waver from Seven.

"You okay there, Lara?" Aiden asked after a while. His face actually showed concern and I hid myself within my hair.

"I'm fine. I just need to talk to Seven," I replied.

"I guess I didn't realize the journey you went through really affected you. Once I get ahold of Seven, I'll let him know you wish to speak to him." Aiden shot him a text, then began to dust the books on the shelves. He seemed deep in thought the entire time, so I said nothing more.

For what felt like forever, Seven finally showed up at the bookstore. Aiden had been long gone since then. He had a date with Ariel, so I was left to watch the store and even closed it early. I couldn't get myself back up to my room. My butt was firmly glued on the counter.

Until he came.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside.

"Whoa!" Seven reacted.

"Did you tell him?" I asked, tightening my grip on his wrist.

"About?" he questioned in an all-knowing tone.

"Don't play with me!" I threw his arm against his side.

"If he knew, he would've had a cow. You don't have to worry." He rubbed his wrist. "Is that what was so urgent?"

"Yes. I mean no. Maybe. Ah, I-" I didn't know if I wanted to ask about the details. Wondering why he took me there. My mind commanded me to forget. For now, anyway. I looked up at him and noticed he had a few scratches around his face and neck. "What happened?"

"Don't worry." Before he could place his hand there, I put mine next to it. It felt cold, too cold. This time he grabbed my hand and pulled it away.

"How? Are you? That's the same as-" My other hand automatically went to the icy scar against my cheek. "It's the same. You fought a Guardian... and it left a mark on you." I paused, eyes going wide. "I thought...that only happened to-"

He put his hand around my wrist and watched me carefully. Seven's hand was almost as cold as the ice. His eyes met mine with such intensity as we stood there. It felt as if he was able to look deep into my soul, even though that was unlikely.

There was a strange connection between us in that moment. A part of me shook inside, but I couldn't understand what it was. As if on cue, he broke contact and moved my hand away from his face. I opened my mouth, but the words didn't come and the doubt set in.

I didn't know him. I couldn't push him to answer, but whatever he was doing, linked to my world. And that was dangerous for too many reasons. Especially if he found himself in the middle of what I was doing.

"If you've run into Guardians," he said, looking straight at my scar. "then you know to stay away."

"I'm not too worried about them." A part of me wanted to show him how big of a scar I really had hiding behind my shirt. To show him how bad my experience was, yet I didn't carry fear anymore. My hand went there as I lightly rubbed the cold surface. There was a long pause after that.

"I should be heading back. Is that all you needed?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to respond.

Not right now.

"Thanks," I mumbled, not looking at him.

"For?" He teased.

I shook my head, pouting under my hair. "Helping me."

"Oh, no problem. Next time, be careful. Aiden won't know a thing," he shrugged. Then he took his leave. I watched as he took a few steps then stopped. "By the way, you remind me of Amara, the mermaid who rebelled the throne. That's why. It came out of me."

"Wait! You know Amara?!" I shouted, eyes wide.

"I know of her," he replied. "And so do you it seems."

He left, and I didn't push it. No matter how badly I wanted to question him about it. Merpeople were aware of Amara and Luka from what I remembered. They taught their history to other mermaids and mermen, so the common mer would know about them.

But the way he looked at me. The way he said it.

It was as if he knew more than what he was letting on.

"Ugh, not this again," I muttered to myself.

It was better to stay away and focus on what I needed to accomplish.

In less than three months.

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