I went to his house one weekend and then the next weekend he would come to mine. It went on like this for all of summer and the first month of junior year. Surprisingly I never got pregnant.
At nights I would sneak out to go chill with my boyfriends guy friends in town. We would walk around and smoke a lot of weed.
It's a small town full of druggies, alcoholics, and stoners; so weed isn't hard to find.
When school started Nate became a bit distant. I wouldn't say distant, but very busy. He was going through a lot and I felt bad that I couldn't be physically there for him.
It was very difficult for me to be in a different town than him. I'm rather clingy with my boyfriends. Some call it obsession, but I don't really like a lot of people.
I'd rather hangout with him, not a lot of other people. I didn't like the drama.
He started to try and get emancipated, so he wouldn't have to deal with his druggie/alcoholic of a mother.
During that time we didn't really get to see each other or text even. I felt like he was growing so much yet I was staying the same.
Like he was moving on and I was stuck.
I believe people are suppose to grow together and I was terrified that we were growing apart. I don't know if we were actually growing apart, but it really felt like it to me.
I didn't know what to do...

Non-FictionA teenager that has to go to a counselor. As you read you figure out more and more about why she has to go. Why doesn't she like her counselor? What could be so bad in her life that she has to go? Her horrible thoughts explain it all... ~based on a...