(In this chapter the mom is at work, she works night shift)
(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday all went good, but Tuesday...)
It's Tuesday night. I thought I had a rather good day, but apparently not. I don't want to do anything I'll regret.
I was searching frantically for the card she gave me. I had stolen dads' phone. As soon as I found the card I flipped the old flip phone open and quickly dialed the number to the suicide hot line.
It was sort of embarrassing to me. Like I said before, I never liked asking for help.
The lady on the line had a calmness to her that was unexplainable. Her voice was very... Lovely. She made me feel like she was my friend. She didn't just talk about her and she didn't make me just talk about me.
"What's your best or favourite subject?" she asked in that calming voice.
"I'm really good at math," I choked out," A's all year..."
She acted so proud of me and told me how horrible she was at math and that she wished she was as good at math as I was.
She asked me for my information. (Where I live, stuff about my parents, basic information about myself and my family encase of emergency.) \
When she asked what was wrong, I felt it very hard to say. I don't know why I was already crying and talking to her.
Maybe I just didn't want to admit something was wrong. I talked to her about it all. The stuff I felt at the moment anyway.
She seemed very worried for my well-being. The sweet lady then gave me a heart attack.
"Can you go wake up your dad and give the phone to him please? I really need to make sure you're going to be okay..."
My head started spinning. What if he gets angry at me?
After about five or ten minutes of trying to persuade her that I would be fine and that my dad wouldn't appreciate being woken up.
I finally packed up the courage to slowly climb up the stairs. I don't know why I was trying to be quite and was moving so slowly. I would have to wake him up anyway.
Once I got to the end of the hallway, in front of my parents' bedroom door, frozen.
I really did not want to wake my father up. I gently inched toward the bed a tiny bit a time till I was beside the bed.
I was utterly terrified!! I woke up my dad fairly quickly and handed the phone to him.
"She has to talk to you"
He took the phone and carefully sat up because of his painful shoulders. I dashed out of the room and stood just down the small hall in front of my room.
I didn't want my father to be angry. I don't think he knows that I have any of these feelings or thoughts until now. Dad called me back into his room.
"Go grab your stuff and come in here to sleep," he quietly.
He handed me the phone and I put it back up to my ear.
"That wasn't so bad now was it? He didn't seem angry at all," she said, I think trying to make me feel better about the situation.
I thanked her quickly and hung up.
I ran to grab my drink, iPhone charger, and iPhone. Swiftly turned all the lights off downstairs. I dashed back upstairs. I made myself comfortable and tried to fall asleep.
I couldn't seem to fall asleep though. I swear I have insomnia. Not severe, but enough to annoy me.
I fell asleep about after midnight.
Sorry for the long chapter.

SaggisticaA teenager that has to go to a counselor. As you read you figure out more and more about why she has to go. Why doesn't she like her counselor? What could be so bad in her life that she has to go? Her horrible thoughts explain it all... ~based on a...