4) Unfamiliar

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[Song - 4 O'clock by RM & V
Cover by Janethan]

Don't play song yet.

Hold your pen and spare your voice

When Allison realised where Kiras stare was at, She nudged her with her elbow. Kira opened her eyes when she got interupted by Allison and made Allison furrow her brows.

"Why do you keep staring at her, are you trying to make her escape or something?"

Allison looked down at the book she was reading a second ago, but then sighed when she saw that she was at a different page than before. Kira didn't listen and kept looking at the girl who was surrounded by empty seats at the Library.

Kira kept tilting with her chair and the exploded lastly.

"Come let's go sit with her,"

She jumped out of her seat and without even blinking, Allison already found herself looking at Kira sitting next to the new girl. Allison ripped a piece of paper from her note book and put it in her book to where she was at.

"Stupid girl," she chuckled not even convinced. This wasn't the first time this girl had surprised her. She removed her hair from her shoulder and walked straight to the big table in the middle of the Library where the two girls were sitting.


Allison waved and sat the opposite side of the table so that she was facing both of the girls.

"This is Allison, the girl that was with me the other day when you... yeah," Kira smiled and looked away at the thought.

Lydia was a bit red but at least she was smiling. "Hey," Lydia reached out for Allison's hand and she gladly accepted. "I'm L-"

"Lydia," both Kira and Allison interrupted at the same time and then laughed right after. Lydia chuckled along with them automatically.

"You mentioned it when we first met," Kira told her and Lydia nodded her head after. She awkwardly looked down at the messed up table. People had written their names with different coloured pens. S+L♡ or the other one to her left DH+PD.

Lydia did never actually have a boyfriend. She never had time to worry about another human being than putting herself first. She tried clubbing, partying and a whole lot more but none of it was close to being in a relationship. She never wanted to anyways.

It was quiet around their table for a while. The library was big and quiet so no matter how much you whisper, you will mostly be able to hear it from the echo. Lydia took glasses on that day. She couldn't risk getting recognised again. Her clothes was pretty much the same style but just a different colour. Allison was the one to say something to break the awkwardness.

"So, are you coming to the sing/dance off next week?"

Lydia lifted her eyebrows showing how clueless she was and then tilted her head to the side as it would make Allison explain further. Allison smiled and interwined her fingers together before continuing.

"Every month, we have these... " she tried to explain while her fingers were fiddling in the air as if she was looking for an exact word.

"Competitions? Yeah, it's basically very few talented from the school that competes against each other on stage, while the whole school cheers and enjoy the show. Of course you have to be able to sing, rap, anything at all just to make a great show. Mostly it's two persons against each other and then we have the school standing there like a background," Allison nodded and took a little snack out of her pocket. She looked around to see if the librarian was looking cause it was not allowed to eat in the Library of course.

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