9) Diner

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Do not play song yet!

No one said anything in the car after the confusing disappearance from Lydia Martin. Something good did come out of the night for Lydia though. Just as Jessica way about to kiss Stiles goodbye a few minutes ago, he moved his head to the side and made her lips collide with his cheek. It surprised Jessica the next second he jumped inside of the jeep, but Lydia still didn't allow herself to show any emotion. The act she started the second she entered school was starting to get more and more forgettable - from when she dressed like something that didn't show her true Lydia Martin, and to now where she started losing her fake image. Everything was slowly starting to fall apart for her. And she didn't even notice. She didn't even notice how Jessica was bringing her real self out. Lydia Martin could do anything. She could pretend to be someone she actually wasn't, she could protect herself from heartbreak, she could practically do anything. But what she couldn't do, was holding her anger inside. When Lydia Martin gets angry, nothing can hold her back.

She had crossed arms the whole way over to the diner. They were all on their way to the familiar diner the group of friends always hung out in. It was usually only the five of them – Allison, Kira, Scott, Isaac and Stiles. They never invited any other than themselves, but Lydia was an exception. Allison had convinced the group of friends to let Lydia come with them. They hesitated at first but then settled to agreement when Allison's death glare came to play.

She didn't even know why she was so angry or even vulnerable but she didn't blame herself for the things she did. What he did. Something was up with that boy but she didn't know what and she didn't want to know. So she just kept distance from him but that goddamn fool kept coming up in her life. She couldn't do anything but let things happen.

His eyes were on the road, and her were looking out of the window. The friends in the back awkwardly stared between those two as if something happened. It's not like Stiles and Lydia usually speaks to each other anyways, but they were both out of focus. After the singing battle between Jessica and Scott/Isaac, Lydia disappeared. Lydia disappeared, Stiles disappeared, they were both gone for a few minutes. Stiles came back and Lydia came back seconds after. That's all they know. But that piece of information, puzzling up with the silence in the car, made it clear that something had happened.

"Stiles, you drove past red light,"

Kira commented and awkwardly looked at Isaac who starred at Stiles. Stiles exhaled and pushed his hair back before he pulled himself together and put both of his hands on the steering wheel. Lydia still didn't glare at him. Her throat automatically sunk the little, dry amount of salvia down. Her eyes fluttered a few times, as she tried to get rid of the stinging eyes.

Allison clapped her palms together, getting all their attention.

"I was so looking forward to come back to the diner,"

She interrupted the silence. The rest of them mumbled with agreement and started a conversation out of that. Lydia was thankful that Allison did what she did.

"We're here,"

Stiles mumbled loud enough for them all to hear. The engine to the jeep stopped, stiles took out the keys, he fiddled with them, put them in his jacket pocket, opened the door and went straight out to the diner. Lydia rested her body back to the seat for a while before taking her stuff and going out of the jeep. She yelled after Allison and commanded her help to get down.

"Sorry I forgot to help you before. Who helped you come down the jeep before?"

Allison questioned with an arm behind Lydia's waist. Lydia groaned as she reached out for her crutches on the seat. She closed the jeep door and began walking with Allison by her side. Isaac and Kira walked side by side in front while Scott was getting something from the jeep.

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