5) Closed book

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People haven't always been there for me but music always has🎵

Everything around them stopped. Even the tickling hair on her face didn't bother her at the moment. Students stopped walking. The clock stopped ringing. She wasn't breathing. The only thing she was aware of, was his touch. His long fingers that were pressing gently on her shoulders, the smell of his cologne and most importantly, his brown eyes staring back at her.

Her throat dried out, her hands didn't shake anymore like they usually did when she got nervous. This time, she was frozen. Just like the time. It stopped. It went fast and slow at the same time. It was like his body was getting closer and closer by each second. The closer he got, the more she had to tilt her head up to not break eye contact with the much taller guy. It was like a must somehow. They COULDNT break eye contact.

She tried to gulp and wet her throat again, but the lump in her throat did also slide down slowly. She felt as if she was going to choke at that moment. What scared her, was that she couldn't move. It felt like she was having a paralyzing dream where she was half awake. That kind of dream where your mind is awake but your body is still sleeping, where you can't move one body part, where you can't even make a little sound or scream for help or where you feel someone being in the lonely room with you.

Finally she managed to move her finger and just that little forefinger made an impact on a lot other things of her surroundings. People were starting to walk faster, the clock began ringing again, her breathing got steady, the lump in her throat slid down like a carousel and all of that happened while their eyes still were looking at each other.

She accidentally glanced at something else than his eyes, his lips. They were wet from when he had stuck his tongue out when she wasn't aware. His underlip was puffy when the other one was a bit smaller but more shaped. She suddenly realised both of his lips tilting sligthly upwards, turning into a small smirk or smile or whatever.

"W-what? Let go of me,"

She looked down at the unfamiliar hands on her shoulders as her body tried to resist his touch. He let go of her but the position were still the same. She couldn't move forward and he didn't want to take steps backwards.

Stiles closed his eyes and itched the corner of his temple while a fake smile on his lips played when he realised what his bad behaviour had caused.

"Sorry... I'm Stiles,"

He reached out for her hand. This wasn't something Stiles would ever do. He wouldn't just go over to a stranger from school, introduce himself to her or even apologise for his actions. But there was just something about her.

Lydia looked at his hand for a second and the then at his eyes again. She wanted to be careful to not stare at them for a long time before he got a chance to recognise her. Her eyes travelled around their surroundings. Just something, a locker, maybe even a paper on the ground.

"And I have to go,"

She finally managed to move her legs. Something pulled her back though. It was either his hands around her wrist or just something emotional. But she could feel something physically touching her wrist.


A girly voice called from behind. Lydia didn't dare to move and see who it was, But when she did, she regretted immediately that she had stayed. Well it was too late now. The girl was the exact same girl from class, one of the girls that laughed at her for no reason, the same girl that had talked about her clothes the other day, it was a pretty girl.

Her eyes were at Stiles at first, But then she crossed her arms at the sight of Lydia. Even though she had a smile on her face, Lydia felt threatened.

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