Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Things has been smooth sailing.

Dreamy as it is, yes I think I’m starting to like him. It feels weird to admire a guy; actually the thought gives me goose bumps. Is this what they term as rebound?! Am I just letting him be an outlet so I can forget Cynthia or do I really like him now?

I don’t know the answer to these questions yet but I’m…

“Hey!” It’s Morie screaming at the top of her lungs. There the thought was cut short.

“I’ve been calling you a hundred times already! Seems like you’re in deep thoughts! Where are you!? Outerspace??”

“Sort of. I was about to make it to Andromeda and you pulled me out of it.”

“So you’re still lucky I pulled you out of it, it can swallow you, you know. Hahaha”

“It’s a galaxy not a black hole, silly.”  This girl is good. She can make any situation light.

“Yes I know. I just wanted you to snap out of it. Spill the beans, what’s been bothering you?!

“Nothing.” I said as I released a sigh.

“I know you too well, what’s with the sigh?!”

“Well, I don’t know yet if I should tell you this. Maybe some other day.”

“You sound so dramatic. Just spill the beans so we can get over this.”

“Okay. Okay.” I said releasing another sigh. I know she will not stop bugging me until I tell her everything. “Lately, I’ve been thinking of someone. I don’t know if this is right or if I am doing it right but I think I might be liking someone in a way that I couldn’t really explain. It’s weird and it always gives me goose bumps.”

“Girl or boy?”

Just when I was being serious, I can’t help but laugh.

“Boy of course! I told you I’ll change right?! This might be the start.”

She let out a sign of relief “Good. I thought you were in love with another girl. Who’s this lucky man? Tee hee.”

“It’s a secret for now. I still have to figure everything out.”

“Okay let me ask you a question first, have you ever been in love with a boy?”

The question struck me. Have I been ever in love with a boy? I looked back at my life, I had a crush with my boy classmate when I was in grade 3, I had another boy crush when I was in grade 6 and after that, I can’t recall if I had another boy crush. Is it different from falling in love? Or is falling in love with a boy different with falling in love with a girl?! I really can’t figure it out.

“Hey! Are you still with me?”

I snapped out “Almost swallowed by a black hole. Haha. What’s with the silly question?”

“Just answer it.”


Saved by the bell.

“You still have to answer that later.”

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