Chapter 6

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 A few days has passed since that encounter. I still couldn’t figure out what I really feel towards Arvin. Maybe I just want him to be a friend. Or maybe…

“Okay times’ up, finished or not pass your papers to the front. One, two, three.”

“What the…” I suddenly remembered, I was in the middle of an examination. And I still have 5 numbers to finish. Gaaaaah. These thoughts will surely send me to remedial classes. Pffftttt..

“You’re lost again Elle Dela Cruz.” Morie said while taking my paper. She’s sitting in front of me.

“Yeah right Morie Santos. Hope I got that 5 numbers right.”

“What has been in to you?! Lately you’ve been wandering off. It’s so not you.”

“I don’t know. I’m so confused.”

“Confused with?”

“Confused with everything.”

“Like?” Morie sounding confused.

“Secret for now.”

“There, you’re keeping secrets again. You can always talk to me about anything, I’ll promise to listen.” Said Morie while arranging her things.

“Okay. I’m confused. Do you get it?”

Morie stopped for a while, seems like she’s thinking of something. Then she lightened up and, “Okay, okay, I get it. Identity crisis?”

Based on what I have researched,  Identity crisis defined by Merriam-webster dictionary is a feeling of unhappiness and confusion caused by not being sure about what type of person you really are or what the true purpose of your life is” I always doubted that I am undergoing this certain phase, I guess I am currently in this state.

“I think so.” I answered  

“There you go again. Are you still not sure with yourself?”

“I don’t know.”

“Maybe just give it a break. Eventually, the real you will unfold.”

“And how long is that eventually?”

“Maybe forever? Hahaha”

“Great. Thank you for that wonderful answer. It lightened me up.” I said sarcastically.

“Hey, I was just kidding. Don’t take everything seriously. I’ll help you get through this. I promised right?”

 “Thank you.  Let’s go?”

Yes. She promised that she’ll help me change. And I’ll hold on to it.

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