Chapter two ~ Levi

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Before meeting Eren~

Levi was rushed out of his house. His parents can never wait for him to get out of the house. He walks to his black sports car and starts the engine. He checks his mirrors and then starts driving towards school.

Once he's at the school, he almost runs over some kid he's never seen before. Probably some sophomore. He parks in the parking lot and takes a deep breath before exiting his car. He stands at only 5'3", so he isn't much taller than his small car. He looks around, he can feel someone staring at him.

Then, he spots him. It's the kid from earlier. He was staring at Levi. Levi shoots him a glare. Stop staring, creep. The boy immediately looks away with a frightened look and a red face. Levi scoffs and walks off.


Later that day Levi is walking through the halls when he heard Reiner and his pals laughing. He heard the little nerd, Armin, trying to defend himself as well. He just sighs and stands by, listening.

Then, he hears something he hasn't heard before.

"Armin. Go. Now." The voice said. "Now, you guys. You really shouldn't be bullying." It's a voice that I haven't heard before.

Levi walks around the corner to see that kid again. He's trying to be heroic, At least he thinks. How pathetic. Levi watches everything play out. It's quite entertaining.

He eventually steps in. He walks up to the whole group, looking quite intimidating. His raven hair was blowing back, revealing his icy silver eyes. Levi glares at Reiner.

He punches Reiner in the jaw halfheartedly. Reiner falls to the ground immediately and starts rubbing his jaw. He makes his way onto his feet. He tells his pals to follow him and they all walk of.

"E-erm.... thank you..." the boy pipes up. His voice is softer now, and very quiet.

Levi just looks at the boy. I don't want to talk to you. Just go away.

"Erm... I'm Eren... w-what's your name?"

This kid is persistent. Levi just mutters "Levi." under his breath. It's barely audible. Now leave.

As if on cue, the bell rings, signaling their ending classes will be beginning soon. Levi gives the boy named Eren one last glance before walking away to his next class.


That kid. Eren. What's up with him? Something is different about him, but I can't put my finger on it.

Levi opens his front door. He doesn't say anything, but instead nods to his parents and walks upstairs to his room.

Inside his room, he drops his stuff and plops onto his bed. He continues to think about Eren.

This kid. What's up with him? What is it? What is it? He's just a sophomore, why am I thinking about him? Why did I help him? It's not like I care if anyone gets hurt . . .

He continues to think until he slowly doses off into a light sleep. He doesn't get enough sleep, he needs this.

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