...sorry 'bout this

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SO please don't hate me READ UNTIL THE END!!!!

I'm taking this story down for the time being.  It was awesome and had like 27 chapters (I still don't know how I did that) and was getting a lot of reads and I was vv proud of myself, BUT

I just didn't like how the story played out.  I want to like my characters and end up with a final product I'm truly proud of.  And this just wasn't it. 

So I'm rewriting.  A lot of it will be the same, because I'm a lazy lil shit, but I want to make Mira more 3D and create a more interesting storyline. 

Hopefully I'll be really fast.  I have a little time off, so Imma try to finish as much as I can. 

Still, I'm sorry for all of you who liked the old version.  But HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M THE WRITER SO Y'ALL CAN'T DO ANYTHING

Yup that's about it

Please don't leave me. I'm not giving up on this story (even though I started like 2 years ago and completely forgot about it).  I want to make this account worth something, and I just can't do that if I produce work that I can't stand by.

So being the perfectionist overachiever I am I'll just try to do something completely out of my league and skill level because why not stress myself out over arbitrary matters that's always fun

Okay bye I'll shut up

I loves all of juuuuuuuuuuu

update however the fuck long later: You know how I said I wouldn't give up? Lied. Gave Up. Logged into my email acc and had a million and a half emails from Wattpad, which I haven't opened in forever. Saw people asking to update, or for the old version of the fic. Spent way too long tracking this down:


Here's the old version of the fic that I posted as a oneshot and promptly orphaned out of embarrassment. (If the link doesn't work, it's under the title "Shadowed Hearts" by orphan_account on ao3.) 

@ everyone who is still using wattpad for fanfic: lmao do u guys still exist? if so please consider ao3. ffn.net if you're truly desperate. but. ao3. quality is 150% better. 

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