We're x Just x Talking

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(We're just going to act like I haven't gone AWOL for the past few months. Deal? Deal.)

Netero takes us in the airship to the next phase. 

"Allow me to introduce myself to the forty-two remaining applicants," The Chairman says. "I am Netero, Chairman of this year's Hunter Exam Selection Committee. Originally, I'd planned to make my appearance during the exam's final phase, but as I'm already here... I'm loving this tension in the air! So I think I'll stay around for the rest of the trip."

He laughs, and the strange green man beside him says, "We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning, at 8 AM. You'll find dinner waiting in the dining hall. You are also welcome to get some rest. In other words, you are free to do as you please until you're contacted."

I turn to Gon and Killua. "Guys! Let's explore the airship!"

"Yeah!" They reply at the same time.

"How do they have so much energy?" I hear Leorio ask Kurapika. "I'm hitting the sack."

"You can say that again," Kurapika says back, and then I am too far away to hear him.

After getting thrown out of the kitchen, us three run to the window to watch the city as we fly by. I love being in the air.

"Woah!" Gon says. "It's like the ground is covered in jewels!"

"Yeah!" Killua agrees. I just nod in awe.

"Hey, I was wondering..." Gon starts. "Where are your guy's moms and dads?"

"Hmm," Killua says. "They're alive. Probably." More than I can say.

"What do they do?" Gon asks.

"They're assassins." Killua answers matter-of-factly. What?

"Huh? Both of them?" Gon asks, looking at Killua in surprise. Killua laughs.

"That's your first reaction?" Killua says with a light voice. "You really are a riot! You're the first person who's ever responded seriously."

"Well, you're telling the truth, right?"

"What makes you think that?" Killua ask, his eyes vulnerable.

"It's just a hunch," Gon replies. Oh, this boy.

"I'm from a family of assassins," Killua tells us. "So they're all assassins. And my family has really high hopes for me. But I can't stand it. Who wants to have their life planned out for them? When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped! My mother had tears streaming down her face as she told me I have the potential to be a top assassin." Gon laughs.

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