Yippee x The x Wetlands

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(This is a long one but I didn't want to split it up into different chapters, since then they'd be super short.  Does anyone have a preference?)

"So, into the Numere Wetlands," I mumble. "Deceitful creatures plus stupid contestants. Can't wait."

The examiner began to run again, yelling behind him, "Pay attention now. Be sure to stay close behind me!" It is rather foggy; I can see perfectly fine (bow down before perfect vision, peasants) but I imagine everyone else is having trouble. Leorio still has his shirt off.

"The fog is getting thicker," Kurapika says. I mentally roll my eyes. 'Thank you, captain obvious,' I think, then reprimand myself for being snarky. 'Maybe the others don't notice these things. Don't overestimate their abilities, just in case they end up screwing you over with their ineptitude.'

Killua suggests that we move up. "So we don't lose sight of the examiner," Gon says, agreeing.

"Ah," Killua replies. "I'm more concerned with increasing the distance between us and Hisoka. Staying too close to him is dangerous. I can smell it in the air."

'Maybe I shouldn't underestimate them, either,' I think.

"Smell?" Gon asks. "Hmm? I don't think he smells." He shrugs, and yells, "Leorio! Kurapika! Killua says that we should move up!"

"Gon!" I say sharply. "Can you feel the tension in the air, surrounding us? Don't yell, and don't make Leorio mad by doing more than he can."

Kurapika and Leorio shout for us to go ahead anyway, and I shrug. Killua begins to run faster, and Gon follows.

I move back, moving to run beside Kurapika and Leorio. "I figured you guys could use some help," I say.

"I don't know how much help you will be," Kurapika says. Woah, what did I do? "We can't even tell which way we're going."

"It's okay," Leorio says, ever the optimist. "As long as we don't lose sight of those guys ahead of us... you can go, Mira."

"Okay." I leave, carefully dodging the dangerous plants and animals. It's obvious I'm not wanted, though I don't know why. Who should I find now... Hisoka?

...I can feel you judging me. Shut up.

I decide to go off on my own, even though it probably isn't the smartest. I can feel something inside of me beginning to build up, and I need to let some out before it gets to be too much. Which would be terrible for everyone.

Whoever's reading this is probably lost at this point. Let me explain.


So, Asylum decided to do experiments on me, right? We're on the same page? Good.

I've always been in-tune with others' emotions. I could tell what they were feeling from the moment they walked in the room. It's like, super-empathy. The scientists didn't like this. They'd walk in and get a barrage of questions from me. "Who died? Why are you sad? Why are you so happy to hear screaming?"

So, they tried to make me numb, using chemicals and torture and who-knows-what. Unfortunately, it didn't work – it made me much more sensitive. To everything.

I could suddenly hear the smallest of sounds, and see when there wasn't light, and feel when someone was walking to my cell from a hundred meters away. I could hear their heartbeats and their blood rushing in their veins, and the slight crack in the main scientist's knee, and the rain tapping against the side of the meter-thick concrete.

It sucked.

I was completely incapacitated. I couldn't even talk, because the vibrations from my throat were overwhelming. The dust particles in the air would feel like gunshot wounds as they hit my skin. Touching the wall of my cell made me feel like my skin was being ripped off. The cold felt like I had hypothermia, and the heat made me feel like I was being boiled alive.

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