And x So x It x All x Begins

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"No! Please! Don't do this!" My mother screams at me, her hands soaked in my father's blood. He is lying on the kitchen floor. In his chest is a gaping hole, where I had ripped out his heart just minutes before. I could have done it cleanly, without a speck of blood, but it didn't seem fitting. After what my parents had done to me, their deaths deserved to be bloody.

"And why shouldn't I?" I ask my mother, well aware of the sadistic grin that was spreading across my face. I've missed this feeling. Strong and in control. "You knew that this would happen the minute you sent me to that godforsaken place."

"I'm your mother. You wouldn't exist if not for me!" She shouts, heartbeat pulsing rapidly. "How could you do this to us? You monster!"

I can feel my grin falter, but I clench my teeth and hold back the unwanted emotions. "Yes. A monster. Just as I was all those years ago, before you decided to abandon me. You left me to them, mother."

"You didn't deserve a place in our home!"

"You're right, mother," I reply quietly. "I deserved to be tortured, instead. I deserved to be alone. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

And though I no longer take pleasure in my actions, I tightly grip the dagger that was a second ago secured to my waistline, and slit her throat.


I am an absolute idiot. I purposely left my parents' house without grabbing anything. I didn't want to be tied to them anymore, but I'm regretting it now.

I don't have any money, so I'll have to steal some clothes. That will be easy enough. No one notices the quiet, small girl who doesn't talk. I am invisible, for better or worse.

I take some food and quickly change into my stolen clothes. I don't know what to do now. I had only planned up until now. I decide to wander the plaza, for lack of a better thing to do. I'm fed and I'm clothed, and I don't have any more personal debts to settle.

I'm rounding the corner when I see a strange looking red-haired man wearing a magician's costume. I get an extremely bad feeling as I notice the way he's looking at a little girl, a little too eagerly.

That feeling... I know it. It practically dripped off of the scientists at Asylum.


I know, without a doubt, that I need to distract him. Whatever he wants with this girl can't be good. I use a weak Zetsu to hide my presence (courtesy of Asylum) and walk up behind him. It has to be weak, though, because I'd rather avoid any confrontations.

He senses me when I'm a few meters away, though he doesn't move except for a slight tensing around the shoulders. I quickly move to him, tapping the man lightly on the shoulder. He turns around, his glare cutting through me.

"Excuse me, sir?" I ask, eyes cast toward the ground. "You see, I'm new to these parts, and I am in dire need of entertainment. Do you happen to have any recommendations?"

The man looks as if he can't decide whether to be irritated or amused. "I also am not from here. My apologies."

"Oh, it's my fault," I reply, glancing at the girl. I try to communicate an unspoken message – leave. She seems to understand, though the man notices my look. He doesn't comment, thankfully. "Would you like to walk together, then?"

Everything inside me screams no, but I have to let this girl get away. I couldn't save myself, so I'll save her.

"I'm on my way to the Hunter Exam," the man says carefully, watching for my reaction.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know what that is," I reply. My confusion, unfortunately, is genuine.

"If you don't know what it is, then it does not concern you," he says, turning around. I can see his gaze searching the crowd, and though I know it's a test, I can't help but speak up again.

"Please, sir, I truly am hopeless without something to do. Is this exam of yours open to the public?"

The man looks at me oddly for a second then says, "It is now. Follow me, if you're up to the challenge." He immediately begins walking, and I have to jog to catch up.

"Thank you so much, sir. My name is Mira, by the way."

"Hisoka," he responds distractedly. I pretend not to notice. The exam will hopefully give me a purpose. Maybe it will kill me. You never know with these kinds of things.

Hisoka leads me to a restaurant, walking up to the front counter with confidence. "We'll have the steak combo that opens your eyes to the light," he tells the man.

"For two?" The man asks. Hisoka nods, and the man says, "How would you like them cooked?"

"Grilled over a low flame until tender," Hisoka replies. The man behind the counter looks at me with concerned eyes, but ushers us to a back room nonetheless.

Hisoka and I sit down in the booth, which immediately begins to descend. It's an elevator of sorts, which brings us to a large room. It has maybe forty people in it, but I've always been bad with numbers.

We both walk into the room, and a man hands us each a badge. Hisoka's has the number '44' on it, and I have number '45'.

Hisoka and I part our separate ways, with a 'farewell' from me and silence from him. What a strange man. I would not want to be alone with him.

I wander over to the wall and sit against it. Out of boredom, I start stretching. I've always been reasonably flexible, though never athletic at all. I'm not good at much of anything, save for being pessimistic (and that's not exactly a skill).  I can think, though, and I'm rather clever at times. Other people call that manipulative, but... psh, me? Never.  

A few minutes later, a man walks up to me. He is old and fat, and makes me uneasy. That's the biggest indicator that something is wrong.

"Hi," He announces himself. "My name is Tompa. What's yours?"

"Mira," I say lightly, then fall silent once more.

"Oh. Are you thirsty? You must be, after your journey here. You can have one of these." Tompa holds out a can.

"I'm sorry, but I try to avoid taking drinks from strangers. You know, I'm paranoid," I say, laughing slightly to lighten my refusal. In reality, I can smell the laxative from here – given to me one too many times in Asylum.

Tompa laughs back, saying, "I promise I haven't drugged it. I'm just trying to be nice to the rookies. First time and all."

'Yeah, right,' I think. 'I'm not that big of an idiot.'

"I'm still going to have to decline," I reply apologetically. "But I really do appreciate the offer."

"Are you sure?" He asks. Someone's feeling persistent today.

"Yes, I'm sure," I say, forcefully this time.

"Okay, just asking." He raises his hands in a gesture of defeat.

We both laugh a little more and say our 'nice to meet you's and 'good luck's before Tompa finally leaves. I decide to sleep, since it's not as if I have anything else to do. Plus, today was pretty rough. I lean back against the wall, close my eyes, and let myself fall into unconsciousness.

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