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Sam pov
Colby was being nice to me why he bullied me most of my life and now he is nice what is going on is this a part of some plan that there doing it makes no sense "Sam it's getting dark we should go back" I started to freak out when he said "u can go I will stay here" I said about to freak out "Sam it's getting dark we should go please" Colby said "I-I can't Colby m-my d-dad he will hurt me" I said looking up at Colby "Sammy I no but he is possibly sleeping" that when I calm down a see what time it is 12:04 "ok" I got up and we walked home I gently open the door and walk in and I saw my dad on the couch he got up with a beer bottle "look who is finally back" dad said angry I'm not blaming Colby for this  I wanted to stay "I-I w-as just                   t-thinking p-ple-ase" I said crying he threw the beer bottle at me I fell to the ground I was bleeding on my leg he started to punch me and kick me when he was finally done "now go I don't want to see your fag face anymore" I went upstairs and locked my door I went to the bathroom and start to wash all the blood of my leg I went to my bed and start to cry then I got a call from Colby
Colby Sam
Hey Sam are u there
Sam are u crying
N-no not at all
Your a horible lier what happen tell me everything
Well m-my d-ad was s-still up and           s-tarted to h-urt me and threw glass at m-me
Omg are u ok do u want to go somewhere to talk about this do u want to go to the spot I need to see u if your ok
Um sure
End of call

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